Role-Based Dashboard Notices Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Role-Based Dashboard Notices Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Role-Based Dashboard Notices allows administrators to create custom notices and display them in a clean, organized dashboard widget. The plugin provides a way to send notices to specific user roles, ensuring that the right information reaches the right users. Additionally, administrators can grant other users the ability to create and manage notices, giving them more control over who can communicate important updates within the WordPress dashboard.

Features include:

  • Create notices with a easy to use text editor.
  • Display notices in a dashboard widget with a clean and responsive design.
  • Action button for users such as Mark as read/unread, Archive, Delete.
  • Archive page with Unarchive option.
  • Send notices to specific user roles.
  • Set priority levels (High, Medium, Low) for notices.
  • Change of color of notices based on priority level.
  • Restrict who can send notices based on user roles.

Use Cases

1. Internal Company Announcements:
* Use the plugin to broadcast company-wide notices such as policy changes, important meetings, or HR updates. Target specific departments by sending notices only to users with specific roles like “Editor,” “Author,” or “Subscriber.”

2. Client-Specific Updates:
* Agencies managing multiple client sites can use this plugin to send updates or alerts specifically to clients (e.g., “Client” role) without bothering other users.

3. Team Coordination:
* Project managers can use this plugin to keep team members informed about project milestones, deadlines, or changes by sending notices only to users assigned specific roles like “Project Manager,” “Developer,” or “Designer.”

4. Educational Institutions:
* Schools or universities can send important notices to students, teachers, and administrative staff, ensuring that only the relevant audience sees the notices.

5. Event Management:
* Event organizers can use the plugin to communicate with volunteers, attendees, and sponsors separately, ensuring each group gets the information they need.


This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later. See the included LICENSE.txt file for more details.


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