RolePress – Role-Tailoring Plugin for Wordpress Made Easy - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Make your WordPress site more interactive!
By default the content of a WordPress site is pretty static: you typically have a navigation menu at the top and one or a few sidebars and widget areas. The information displayed in them are the same regardless of the visitor. With RolePress you can make your site more dynamic by allow you to role-tailor that content: i.e. adapt the content of your site to the current user’s role (administrator, editor, subscriber etc.). With RolePress you can role-tailor the major components of a WordPress-based website: posts and pages; navigation menus; sidebars and widget areas.
Dynamic content in posts and pages
Easy to use shortcodes allow you to role-tailor the content in posts and pages by showing, or hiding, content. Content can be anything normally appearing in a WordPress post like text, images, video etc. The use cases for this functionality are only limited by your imagination, some example use cases possible to achieve with the help of RolePress are:
– Display a special welcome message to anonymous users (user’s currently not logged in).
– Display a download link to all logged in users.
– Only display sensitive content to trusted users like administrators and editors.
– Display an HD version of a video to all logged in users while only displaying a low res version to anonymous users.
Role-tailored sidebars and widget areas
Use RolePress to add more value to your widget areas by displaying widgets that bring value to the various user roles: Create an editor sidebar where you could have a widget showing pending comments and other useful widgets for editors.
RolePress lets you create a role-tailored sidebar for every role or lets you reuse the same role-tailored sidebar for multiple roles.
Multiple navigation menus
Create navigation menus targeting certain roles, for instance administrators could be presented with a navigation menu containing links to administrative tasks like comment moderation, anonymous users will see a link to a sign-up form and so on.
Individual features of RolePress can be disabled: if you don’t want the functionality to role-tailor posts and pages it can easily be disabled from the RolePress administration page.