RSVPify RSVP Form Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Create elegant, highly-customizable RSVP forms that can be embedded anywhere on a page or post with a simple shortcode. Get all of your guest’s information in one easy-to-navigate (and easy-to-customize!) RSVP flow.
Easily limit respondents to just those on your guest list. Create parties. Choose which guests get +1. Collect appetizer and entree preferences. Invite sub-groups of guests to certain and not others (e.g. a rehearsal dinner or meeting). Create integrated questions to get all the details you need. Import and export data, save a few headaches.
Powered by RSVPify, this RSVP form plugin gives WordPress users the power of RSVPify’s suite of dynamic dashboards and tools that simplify event planning! Save time. Save Money. Save the planet (and a whole lot of hassle and headache!).
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