RunThings Secrets Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
RunThings Secrets is a WordPress plugin that allows you to securely share secrets such as passwords. Create a secret URL, and share it with someone instead of leaving a password in a chat log or email thread. Set the maximum views and expiration date, so that the secret doesn’t lurk around forever.
- Limit access by views and expiration date to enhance security.
- Easy sharing with a copy-to-clipboard button, featuring a helpful tooltip.
- Options to copy a plain link or a link with instructions and expiration terms.
- Configurable pages for ‘Add Secret,’ ‘Secret Created,’ and ‘View Secret’ actions.
- Spam protection powered by reCAPTCHA v3, including a score threshold setting.
- Flexible integration using shortcodes or WordPress Block Editor blocks.
- Optional styling for forms can be enqueued as needed.
- Secure encryption of secrets when stored in the database.
- Customizable templates that can be overridden to fit your site’s design.
- Fully translatable.
- Timezone-aware expiration dates, synchronized with your site’s timezone settings.
- Object caching support, to improve performance.
- Customisable rate limiting, to prevent brute force attacks from bots.