Autoupdate Plugins & Themes - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The plugin will create ”Advanced Update Manager” setting tab after activation
This Plugin will create 3 tables ”autoupdaterestore_data”, ”autoupdaterestore_backup” and ”autoupdaterestore_updates” for storage purpose
If the user allows Auto Update then the plugin will set cron as per selected schedule for plugin update checking
From ”Default” tab
=> User can set settings like ”To” email address where user can get update emails,
”From” email address so, user can get update emails from a particular email
”cron schedule” user has options like ”Daily”,”Weekly” or ”Monthly”.=> Also user can upload sitemap for backup purpose,
=> User can take manual backup
=> User can change Plugin Auto Update settings
=> User can Rollback or Upgrade any plugin versions manually
From ”Backup History” tab
=> From here user can view the Backup list of files
Cron will check the updates as it scheduled
=> By default if user select ”Auto Update” yes then cron will set to Daily schedule
=> First time when plugin detects update then one mail will send to the admin
=> If user set allows to auto update plugin
then on second schedule cron will update plugin automatically
=> Before updating plugin cron will take Files and Database backup
=> After update will take backup again of updated files and Database
=> Then will Compare both files before updates and after updates. If found any errors then ”Rollback” the update
and Mail to admin
Documentation Autoupdate Plugins & Themes