Schedules And Appointments Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The owner of the website enters a set of events. These event can be on a single date or repeating weekly based on inputs made. The user defines Dates ranges or a single date, a time of beginning and a capacity regarding the minimum and maximum number of participants for each event. It is possible to define a deadline before start of the event before booking closes.
From the input the plugin produces a schedule called by shortcode which keeps track of times and booking capacity and keeps track of times and booking capacity.
When a visitor clicks on an item on the schedule, a reservation form opens. If the visitor is registered at least as a subscriber and is logged in, he will be able to complete the booking process and receive an email to confirm his reservation/appointment. He will also have a separate booking list to view in his personal profile.
For the owner, the database keeps a full list of all bookings/reservations made and offers the possibility to delete or to deactivate any booking on the list.
The plugin is internationalised and comes with English and a translation for German. Calendar inputs cannot be translated, so schedule inputs are restricted to one language. This will be improved in later versions.