The School Management – Education & Learning Management Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The School Management System is a WordPress plugin to manage school and its entities such as classes, sections, students, ID cards, teachers, staff, fees, invoices, noticeboard and much more.
How to use shortcodes?
Add [school_management_inquiry] shortcode on any Page / Post to display admission inquiry form on the website. Then, the user can choose any class and provide necessary details.
Add [school_management_account] shortcode on any Page / Post to display student login form on the website. Then, the student can login and access student dashboard.
Add [school_management_fees] shortcode on any Page / Post to display fees submission form on the website. Then, the student can submit their fees using Stripe payment gateway.
School Management System Features You Will Get
Classes and Sections – Add classes. Assign classes to school. Add sections.
Subjects – Add different types of subjects and assign teachers.
Student Admission – Add new admissions to a class.
Student Promotion – Promote student from one class to another.
Roles anad Permission – Create custom roles, assign permissions.
Admin, Staff – Add school admins, staff with permissions to manage the school.
Teacher, Accountant – Add school teacher to manage students. Add accountant to manage fee invoices and payments.
Accounting – Fee Invoice Generation, Payment Collection.
Widgets – Noticeboard Widget, Student Login Widget.
Pages & Shortcodes – Fee Collection Form, Inquiry Form, Student Login Form, Student Dashboard, Noticeboard.
Settings – School Settings, Email Carrier, Email Templates, Payment Methods.
Email Templates – Email template for Student Admission, Invoice Generation, Online Fee Submission, Off-line Fee Submission.
School Management Pro Plugin Features and Demo
School Management Pro Admin Demo
- School Management Pro Demo
- School Management Pro Admin Demo
- Suer Admin : Username / Password => userdemo / userdemo
- Admin : Username / Password => school_admin / 123456
- Teacher : Username / Password => teacher / 123456
- Accountant : Username / Password => accountant / 123456
- Receptionist : Username / Password => receptionist / 123456
- Librarian : Username / Password => librarian / 123456
School Management Pro for Student and Parent Demo
- Student : Username / Password => student1 / 123456
- Parents : Username / Password => parent1 / 123456
Email & SMS Notifications
- Automatic notifications via email carrier.
Automatic notifications via SMS carrier.
Send SMS notifications via – Textlocal, Twilio ( International ), Intechno Msg ( Weblizar ), Intechno Point ( Weblizar), Msg91, SMS Striker, India Text, Gatewaysms, Bulksmsgateway ( India ), EBulkSMS, Pob Talk, witchportlimited (nigeria), Kivalosolutions SMS, tecxsms (ghana), SendPK ( Pakistan ), Smartsms, SMS Portal Futuresol ( Pakistan ), Vinuthan, Logixsms, bdbulksms, extsms, SMS IR (iran) etc.
Multiple Payment Gateways
- Collect Fees using Payment methods: Paypal, Stripe, Pesapal , Paystack , Razorpay , PayTM, SSL Commerz, Bank Transfer, UPI Transfer etc.
School Management Pro Features
Multi-School – Add multiple schools and manage the school activity in single dashboard and assign the school admin.
School Admin – Admin can manage the single school activities.
School Category – You can create the school category and categorize the your schools.
Classes and Sections – Add classes. Assign classes to each school. Add class sections.
Activities – Create unlimited extra acitvites just like sport, swimming, Games and according to activities wise set the cost of activity.
Online classes – Create unlimited live classes. Teacher can manage the classes and student can learn Online with mobiles and any other devices..
Subjects – Add different types of subjects in a school and assign teachers.
Student Admission – Add new admissions to a class. Define fees structure. Add parent login detail.
Student Promotion – Promote student from one class in a session to another class of a new session.
Student Transfer – Transfer student from one school to another school.
Roles and Permission – Create multiple roles like teacher, accountant, etc and assign permissions.
Staff – Staff can manage school activity and create his zoom live classes and other activities assigne by school Admin.
Teacher, Accountant – Add school teacher to manage students. Add accountant to manage fee invoices and payments.
Accounting – Fee Invoice Generation, Fee Types, Expense and Income Management, Payment Collection.
Library Management – Manage books, generate and print student library cards, issue books to students.
Transport Management – Manage vehicles, transport routes and generate students transport report.
Hostel Management – Manage the Hostels and create the unlimited rooms and assign the students as per required.
Notifications – Send email and SMS notifications for new admission, invoice generation, fee submission etc.
Widgets – Noticeboard Widget, Student Login Widget.
Pages & Shortcodes – Fee Collection Form, Inquiry Form, Exam Time Table, Admit Card, Student Login Form, Student Dashboard, Noticeboard.
Settings – School Settings, SMS and Email Carrier, Email and SMS Templates, Multiple Payment Methods and etc.
Email & SMS Templates – Email & SMS template for Student Admission, Invoice Generation, Online Fee Submission, Off-line Fee Submission.
SMS Notifications – Textlocal, Twilio ( International ), Intechno Msg ( Weblizar ), Intechno Point ( Weblizar), Msg91, SMS Striker, India Text, Gatewaysms, Bulksmsgateway ( India ), EBulkSMS, Pob Talk, witchportlimited (nigeria), Kivalosolutions SMS, tecxsms (ghana), SendPK ( Pakistan ), Smartsms, SMS Portal Futuresol ( Pakistan ), Vinuthan, Logixsms, bdbulksms, extsms, SMS IR (iran) etc.
Export Records to CSV – Export student records, inquiries, expense, income and more.
Fee Type – Create unlimited fee types and define student fees structure at the time of admission and create invoice according to fee types.
Parent Login – Allow parents to login and view student reports, submit fees and attendance, etc.
Multiple Payment Gateway – Support for multiple payment gateways like Paypal, Stripe, Pesapal , Paystack , Razorpay , PayTM, SSL Commerz, Bank Transfer, UPI transfer, etc.
Attendance Report – Take student and staff attendance date-wise or subject wise and view attendance report date wise and monthly.
Study Materials – Teacher can upload and assign the study materials ( Docs, PDF, JPG, Video, you-tube video) to students according to class wise from student dashboard.
Home Work Materials – Teacher can upload and assign the Home Work Materials to students according to class wise from student dashboard and student also submit the home work if he can done via student dashboard.
Exam Time Table – Create and publish exam time tables.
Admit Cards – Generate and publish exam admit cards of students.
Exam Result – Create the multiple exam and set the exam wise results and also merge the results group/ combine mark-sheet of students.
School Dashboard
Fee Invoices
Roles & Permissions
Student Admission
Student Dashboard
Email Templates