SEO Image Rotator Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

SEO Image Rotator Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
4.3 Average out of 3 ratings
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Plugin Description

The SEO Image Rotator is based on the “WP-Cycle + Captions” plugin allows you to upload images from your computer, which can then be used to generate multiple jQuery Cycle slideshows.

Each image can be given a URL, an ALT attribute, a Caption and a title (for SEO benefit). The slideshow is set to pause when the user hovers over the slideshow images, giving them ample time to click the link.

Additions include:

  • Ability to create multiple instances of wp-cycle within a single wordpress/plugin installation. This can be done by adding an id value in the shortcode like “[seo_image_rotator id=”2”] where the id is equal to the ID of the rotator you want to include on a given post or page

  • Ability to add a title to each image for search engine optimisation benefit, which adds the title=”example” attribute to the image tag.

  • Ability to disable the caption of an individual rotator instance.


Internet Explorer Display issue

Images may appear blank or hidden. Check your themes style sheet for IMG { max-width:100%; } and comment or remove it.


No screenshots provided

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