Show Translation Origin Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Shows the original English text inside a tootltip when user is hovering a localized text. It serves two purposes:
1. Users occasionally use pre made localization files which are not always verified. The plugin enables this
verification in a glance.
2. Developers are usually exposed to the original English documentation which refers to the English text version.
While working on the localized version this plugin gives them the possibility to refer immediately also to
the documentation – even if the localized version is poor.
Does it load the site heavily?
Not at all. It uses asynchronous ajax and thus its neglectable.
Why does the tooltip displays “No Translation” so often?
Users may hover anything including text that is not localized and the tooltip will display accordingly.
Why after activating a new theme its localized text responds “No translation”?
Any new activated theme or plugin should follow reactivation of this plugin in order that its localized text would
be affected.
Does a usual visitor also use the plugin?
No. Only a logged in administrator can use the plugin. All other visitors would not notice its existence.