Simple MinMax Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin extenstion for WooCommerce allows for the setting, on a product by product basis, of the minimum and/or maximum quantities that the product can be ordered (added to cart). This information can optionally be displayed on the product page.
The plugin os provided AS IS, with no warranty.
There is only one setting to configure, whether to display the Maximum and/or Minimum Quatities for a product to the user.
In Worpress Admin Console, Select Plugins on the left.
Select Settings under the Simple MinMax Plugin.
If no Settings option appears, this means that WooCommerce is not installed AND activated.
The Option allows to select whether to display the Minimum and/or Maximum quantities on the product page if they are configured for a product.
The Default option is Do Not Display Min/Max – this means nothing will be displayed
Option Above The Add To Cart Button, will display any Minimum and/or Maximum information Above the Add To cart Button
Option Under The Add To Cart Button, will display any Minimum and/or Maximum information Under the Add To cart Button
Setting Min/Max Per Product
To add a Minimum and/or Maximum quantity to a product, go to WooCommerce Products and select inventory.
A box will be displayed to optionally set a Minimum or Maximum add to cart quantity.
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