Sirve – Simple Directory Listing Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Sirve – WordPress Listing Plugin
Sirve is a handy WordPress listing plugin that allows you to create your own service listing in a professional way on your website. It can come in real handy in terms of creating listings of services or products and is well-suited for service providers, products, or any other type of product/service that needs to be marketed and sold. It’s convenient and easy to use!
With Sirve, it only takes just a while to set up an eye-catching service or product listings page through the tons of intuitive and user-friendly features it provides. Here you will get 4 archive page styles. This listing plugin for WordPress has a pagination option and AJAX features to make your site’s navigation easier. You can choose whether or not you want the post detail/page details to appear, simply by enabling or disabling Post detail Page /detail options. The shortcode can be inserted in the post editor as well, so that’s another option for you.
With the Sirve listing WordPress plugin, you can make your posts sticky. This is useful for when you want a particular post to feature first, giving it more visibility since putting one specific piece of post on top of others gives it extra exposure.
On top of that, Sirve provides you with an intuitive settings panel. Therefore you can manage a lot of things such as selecting the number of words you want to show in the grid, the number of lists on a page, etc. Besides, you can choose whether to show your list in ascending or descending order and also choose whether your post order is to be shown based on various attributes like ID, title, date, random order, etc.
Sirve contains two buttons and it gives you complete control over the look and feel of your listing pages, allowing you to change the text color, hover color, background color, background header color, border color, and other aspects of the buttons.
So, in a word, if you’re looking for a simple yet user-friendly plugin that will adorn your listing page, look no further than this great option.
- Fast loading speed.
- Ajax Search and pagination Options.
- Enable / Disable Post Detail Page Options.
- Shortcode insertion option from the post editor.
- Post Sticky Options.
- Intuitive settings panel.
- Single listings Style
- 4 Archive Page styles.
Available Shortcodes
Have a look at the shortcodes by which you can use various features this WordPress listing plugin offers:
To Show Single listing
[sirve id="sirve Post ID"]
To Show Archive Page
The common structure of the shortcode
[sirve_page order="DESC, ASC" orderby="ID, title, date, modified, parent, rand"]
sirve_page order – Indicates whether the ‘orderby’ parameter should be in ascending or descending order.
- ASC- Indicates the order from lowest to highest value.
- DESC- Indicates the order from highest to the lowest value.
orderby: Order the results by various parameters. Those parameters are:
- title: Use this parameter to order results by title.
- ID: Use it to order the results by post ID.
- date: This parameter is to be used to order the results by date.
- modified: Use it if you want to order the results by last modified date.
- parent: Use this parameter to order results by parent ID.
- rand: Use this parameter for random order.
Sirve Archive Page Style 1
Sirve Archive Page Style 2
Sirve Archive Page Style 3
Sirve Archive Page Style 4
Single List
Sirve List Page
Add New Page
General Settings Page
Style Settings Page