Sleekplan – User Feedback, Roadmap & Changelog Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Sleekplan is a customer feedback tool that can easily be embedded in any web application. The widget assists you to track suggestions, ideas, and bugs from your customers, share a roadmap, and keep a changelog. Moreover, Sleekplan calculates an impact score to prioritize feedback automatically by using meaningful metrics. You don’t need to have a paid subscription from Sleekplan to use the feedback widget.
Some essential features:
- Collect & manage feedback via an embedded widget
- Measure and monitor customer satisfaction
- Calculate an impact score based on meaningful metrics
- Structure feedback with custom categories and statuses
- Create a Roadmap
- Keep a Changelog and notify customers
- Get full control over the widget via the JavaScript SDK
⁉️ Listening to users is huge. It’s important. BUT relying on the number of votes when making product decisions can be harmful. Consider that your largest customers’ vote counts exactly the same as a person running a free trial. I decided to introduce an algorithm that calculates an impact score. The score is based on much more meaningful metrics (e.g. customer satisfaction, customer weighting, implementation effort).
The Sleekplan for WordPress plugin is based on, a software as a service tool to collect and manage customer feeback. Here you can find our terms of use and privacy policies.
The Sleekplan widget (fully integrated in a website)
Settings page in WordPress
Dashboard page in WordPress
Feedback discussion