Slider – Ultimate Image Slider Pro Plugin for Wordpress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Ultimate Image Slider Pro is a WordPress Plugin that lets you easily create powerful sliders with very nice transition effects. Enhance your website by adding a unique and attractive slider! Display banner slideshow to attract customers. Ultimate Image Slider with various settings to control every aspect of your slideshow, including transitions, directions, sliding speeds, full screen, and slider design controls. The plugin allows you to insert an unlimited number of sliders to any place of your WordPress store using ” shortcode and PHP Code”. It also touches sensitive, so you can swipe the image slide on all devices.
For Live Demo : Ultimate Image Slider Pro
For Admin Demo : Ultimate Image Slider Pro
Username / Password : userdemo / userdemo
Ultimate Image SliderPro Features :
- 9 Slider Layout : slider are provide the 9 slider designs
- Tuch slider with thumbnails : The slider offers a native-like navigation experience on touch-screen devices.
- Multiple Image up-loader : Upload unlimited images in single slide usign multiple image option
- Short-code Button on post or page : Add the slider any of your site Pages and posts using shortcode
- Add slider any where using PHP code : User can add the slider any of themes and plugin using <?php ?> shorcode.
- Smooth Animations : All animations use smooth CSS3 transitions (with fallback to JavaScript animations).
- Infinite Scrolling : The slider provides the option to scroll through slides continuously, in an infinite loop.
- 4 Transition effects : Its offer the Transition effects.
- Slider Auto-play Interval : This plugin are offer the Slider AutoPlay Interval option.
- Gallery layout with slider : plugin are offer the image gallery design with slider.
- Elegant Effects: The slider provides the two most popular transition effects for sliders: fade and slide.
- Fixed and auto slider height: The slider height can be fixed and auto height expend depending on the height of the current slide.
- Unlimited color skins : User can be change the title, text color as per requirements.
- Shuffle Slides : Ultimate Image Slider Pro offer the Shuffle Slides
- 9 Layer Position : Set the layer position using options, As per your slider requirements.
- Unlimited Font-size : Set the font size using font size option.
- Cross Browser compatible : Supports the browser Chrome, Firefox, Safari Opera and IE
- Keyboard Navigation : It’s possible to navigate through slides using the keyboard.
- Fully Responsive : Ultimate Image Slider Pro will look and work great on any screen size.
- Animated Layers: Layers can contain any HMTL content, from simple text.
- SEO-Friendly : All the content inside the slider will be visible to search engines.
- Customizable Orientation: The slider and the thumbnails can be oriented both horizontally and vertically.
- Retina-enabled : The slider allows you to specify a retina version for each image.
- Thumbnails : Thumbnails can contain images, text and any other HTML content. Also, they can be position to the left, right, top or bottom of the slider.
- Carousel Layout : It’s possible to show multiple, differently sized (fixed height & variable width, or the opposite) slides in a carousel-like layout.
- Slider Linking : You can link directly to a specific slide in the slider.
- Full-screen : Slider Pro can enter the full-screen mode in browsers that support the HMTL5 Full Screen API.
- Lightbox : The slider comes bundled with the FancyBox lightbox and allows you to easily activate it for the main slide images. You also have the option to create sliders that will be opened only inside a lightbox window when the user clicks on a link, image etc.
- Fast & Friendly support : We provide the dedicated support team & Quick support turnaround.
Ultimate Image Slider & Documentatiomn :
For Documentation : Ultimate Image Slider Pro
For Admin Demo : Ultimate Image-Slider Pro
Username / Password : userdemo / userdemo
Update History
- Ver 1.8 (04 Feb 2023)
- LC file error resolved - Tested with php 8.0.26 - Tested with WordPress 6.1.1
- Ver 2.0 (17 January 2022)
- PHP Ver 8.0 Tested. - WordPress 5.8 tested - Minor other issue fixed.
- Ver 1.9 (15 September 2020)
-* PHP Ver 7.4 udpated.
- Ver 1.8 (06 December 2019)
-documentation udpated -Minor issue fixed
- Ver 1.7 (30 sept 2019))
-Added hide and show option in layout 1
- Ver 1.6 (30 August 2019)
-Updated License Code
- Ver 1.5 (01 July 2019)
-Added Setting for Open Link in New Tab
- Ver 1.4 (24 June 2019)
-Added Speed Controls for Layout 3
- Ver 1.3 (18 June 2019)
-Added New Slider Layout
- Ver 1.2 (15 June 2019)
-Added Google Fonts Settings
- Ver 1.1 (03 June 2019)
-Added Envato License Check
- Ver 1.0 (31 May 2019)
-New Release