Sms Notification Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
IMPORTANT: Sms Notification require WooCommerce 3.1.0 or higher.
Sms Notification add to your WooCommerce store the possibility of send SMS notifications to customer every time the order status changed. Also notifies the owner, if you desired, when the store have a new order.
Support multiple SMS gateways:
Possibility to inform the owner about new orders.
- Possibility to send, or not, international SMS.
Possibility to notify to shipping phone number, if it’s different from the billing phone number.
Automatically inset the international prefix number, if it’s necessary, to the customer’s phone number.
- Also notified by SMS the customer notes.
- All messages are customizable.
- Supports a large number of variables to personalize our messages: %id%, %order_key%, %billing_first_name%, %billing_last_name%, %billing_company%, %billing_address_1%, %billing_address_2%, %billing_city%, %billing_postcode%, %billing_country%, %billing_state%, %billing_email%, %billing_phone%, %shipping_first_name%, %shipping_last_name%, %shipping_company%, %shipping_address_1%, %shipping_address_2%, %shipping_city%, %shipping_postcode%, %shipping_country%, %shipping_state%, %shipping_method%, %shipping_method_title%, %payment_method%, %payment_method_title%, %order_discount%, %cart_discount%, %order_tax%, %order_shipping%, %order_shipping_tax%, %order_total%, %status%, %prices_include_tax%, %tax_display_cart%, %display_totals_ex_tax%, %display_cart_ex_tax%, %order_date%, %modified_date%, %customer_message%, %customer_note%, %post_status%, %shop_name%, %order_product% and %note%.
- You can add your own custom variables.
- Has all_bulk_sms_message filter to easy customization of SMS messages from third-party plugins.
- Once setup is fully automated.
- English (Bulk Sms Ahmedabad).
Technical support
Bulk Sms Ahmedabad offers Technical support to configure or install Sms Notification.
Sms Notification it has been programmed from the Witsolution Team request to add to WooCommerce the ability to send notifications about the order status through SMS messages.
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