Social Bookmarks Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The Social Bookmarks plugin for WordPress adds a list of XHTML compliant graphic links at the end of your posts and/or pages that allow your visitors to easily submit them to a number of social bookmarking sites.
Furthermore, the plugin adds a section in the WordPress Dashboard that lets you customize it. You can enable/disable social bookmarking sites and exclude specific pages from the plugin.
Also, you can add additional sites by uploading Site Packs to the plugin directory.
Changelog for 4.1.6
- LinkedIn is now supported.
Changelog for 4.1.5
- The XML file has been updated to rectify the XML compatibility. (Thanks George from
- The Stumble Upon submission url has been updated.
Changelog for 4.1.4
- The XML file has been updated to rectify the XML compatibility. (Thanks George from
Changelog for 4.1.3
- The “Do not display the links on selected pages” option in the Admin section is now forces a fixed height.
Changelog for 4.1.2
- Added support for Twitter.
- Dropped the following sites:
Feed Me Links
furl (merged with diingo)
Tailrank - Updated the links for the fleck and maple.
Changelog for 4.1.1
- Added Tip’d to the social sites.
- The plugin CSS loads only if the current admin page is the Social Bookmarks one.
Changelog for 4.1
- Updated the link for Fark
- Blue Dot is now called Faves
- Added Buzz by Yahoo!
- Added a Fequently-Asked-Question in the About page.
- Optimized interface for WordPress 2.7
- The plugin now uses the Scriptaculous library supplied by WordPress.
- Fixed the Cannot redeclare class social_bookmarks issue.
- Fixed the issue where the images were not appearing on a number of windows PHP servers.
- Updated the url for sk*rt as now it is called kirtsy.
- The admin section is now located on a top-level menu in Dashboard.
- The options are now divided into separate pages to avoid the vertical scrolling.
- The link to all the social sites now includes a nofollow attribute.
Changelog for 4.0
- Added Support for WordPress versions greater than 2.1.x
- Added AJAX interface (can be enabled, disabled from the Options Page in the Dashboard).
- Fixed the problem where the images where not loaded if the plugin directory was named as social-bookmarks
- Fixed the spacing issue that was caused with the use of some Themes.
- Complete re-write of the plugin code
- Localization support. Additional language packs can be placed on the plugin directory that add language specific social sites.
- Loads of new sites are included in the international English pack.
The Options page in the WordPress Dashboard allows you to customize the plugin.
The plugin bundles the English social sites but additional Site Packs can be downloaded from Social Bookmarks Site Packs repository.
Furthermore, a Template Site pack is available, in case you want to create your custom Site Pack. If you do, I would be more than happy to make it available on Social Bookmarks Site Packs repository so that there is a common place with all the Site Packs (of course you will take all the credits that you rightfully deserve!).
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