Social Icons Obvs Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Social Icons Obvs Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Social Icons Obvs offers the ability to add social media icons to a WordPress site with extensive customising options, such as icon background colour, shape, size, spacing and alignment.

The plugin settings page consists of three sections, each with it’s own tab. They are namely Accounts, Customise and Display.


The Accounts section consists of 14 social media channels that can be switched on, at which point a profile URL is required.
The plugin currently serves the following channels: Behance, Bitbucket, Dribbble, Facebook, GitHub, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Soundcloud, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube and YunoJuno.


The Customise section features various options, including:

  • Background colours are available as either branded, transparent or custom (the latter features a colour picker for selecting a specific HEX value).
  • Shapes (that is, the shape that each icon sits within) can either be square, circle or square with rounded corners.
  • Size can either be small (30 x 30 px), medium (40 x 40 px) or large (50 x 50 px).
  • Alignment can be set to either center, left or right.
  • Spacing places a certain amount of space either side of each icon and can be set to either Extra Small (5 px), Small (10 px), Medium (15 px), Large (20 px) or Extra Large (25 px).


In this section, the icons can be dragged and dropped into the desired order, the top one being the first.
Once the changes have been saved, place the shortcode [social_icons_obvs] wherever you would like the icons displayed.

Note: If any changes are made in this section once the shortcode has been placed somewhere in the site, the new changes will be reflected in the previously placed shortcode.


  1. This is a screen shot of the <em>Accounts</em> section in the plugin settings page.

    This is a screen shot of the Accounts section in the plugin settings page.

  2. This is a screen shot of the <em>Customise</em> section.

    This is a screen shot of the Customise section.

  3. This is a screen shot of the <em>Display</em> section.

    This is a screen shot of the Display section.

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