Social Media Counters / SILICON COUNTERS Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Details and Live Demo
Simple yet powerful tool to show your social accounts followers, fans and subscribers number on your website: Facebook fans, Twitter followers, YouTube subscribers, Vimeo followers, Posts count, Comments Count, Steam followers, Pinterst followers, GitHub followers, SondCloud followers, Twitch followers.
Plugin currently support: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Twitch, YouTube, Pinterest, Vimeo, GitHub, SoundCloud, Steam and also standard WordPress numbers like a comments, users and posts. Even more social networks will be added in future. Stay Tuned!
You are able to choose the social media profiles you want to activate, enter details of your social media, select any icon for each counter and customize colors and font sizes.
All you have to do is either use a widget, shortcode or PHP functionton display your social media counter right on your website in your chosen location!
The Silicon Counters plugin is simple to use. You just have to upload it to your WordPress Site, activate it, and you’re ready. Activate counters that you want, add widget to any sidebar or use PHP function and integrate counters directly in your theme’s header, footer or any other place you want. Easy, don’t you think?
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