Social SEO Responsive Timeline Feed Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Social SEO Facebook Responsive Timeline Feed for Wordpress
Use facebook as your news feed on your wordpress website. Grab the attention from your visitor and let them share your facebook posts to twitter, linkedin or lead them to your facebook account so they can follow you for more exposure.
At this moment apps made on the facebook developers website needs to be reviewd.
Since the cambridge scandal facebook continues to update their API so at his moment the proces how to get an APP ID and Token changes from time to time.
The most simple method is to get a PAGE TOKEN through my app
Click here for my app to create a token, you need to enter you’re purchase code and then click on the GET A FACEBOOK TOKEN
You can only use pages if you are an admin of that page. To test if your facebook page can be used try here and change me in your facebook name or page ID.
Standalone PHP OOP class version can be found here
- Colors for the icons, fonts and links will be set from your theme which you are using so it looks like a native plugin.
- Two different layouts are possible and can be set in the admin.
- All posts are set to rich snippets for better SEO
Live preview real customers on my own website (custom cms) ,a pianotuning website
Works great on mobile phones and for the images it uses lazyload to speed things up
(when scrolling down the high res images will appear)
Also the json feed will be cached so it won’t slow down your website. The cache time can be set in the admin or with a shortcode
Minimum PHP version 5.3.0
Key Features
- Colors are automatic (Links and icons) set based on your theme
- Use your facebook as your news items for more exposure
- Any facebook administrator can then update the facebook posts
- Looks great on mobile devices
- Plays inline youtube
- Translate time in your own language
- Auto readmore for long text
- All post are set to rich snippets for better search engine optimalisation
- Support Arabic, Persian and Hebrew languages (right to left)
Some reviews
“Worked out of the box – from purchase to finish with installation was less than 15 minutes. Using it with Udesign theme. It was very easy to connect with FB. Great plugin!.” – carricdesign
“This is one of the best plugins I have purchased from Code Canyon. Very easy to install and set up…and it does exactly what it says it will do with no problems, errors, or conflicts.” – neruda
“I have been looking for this kind of plugin for so long…. Free plugins are not great, while some other paid plugins are too complicated. I just wanted the FaceBook feed and I have it. Plugin installed without issue and I like the fact that I was able to translate the wording into my language ( Great plugin.” – michelgerard
“Works good, thank you! ” – Smoge
“great plugin awesome support” – myprintplus
“great plugin and great support !!.” – LucaPuggioniWebDesign
“This plugin is awesome! Very clean design and support was on it too. It doesn’t work for restricted pages in other Countries (at least out of the box) but I don’t know why we were restricting other Countries anyway. Great plugin experience for me personally.” – Seaside6
Version 6.3 - Changed News Filter disable to show posts with image and no text and keep the rich snippets (may 19 2022)
Version 6.2 - Updated to facebook APi 13.0 , fix rich snippet and small css fix (apr 9 2022)
Version 6.1 - Removed facebook video's since te iframe is not working anymore on mobile (facebook restriction and policy) (oct 31 2021)
Version 6.1 - Updated to facebook API 12.0, fixed facebook video's mobile and added new option to set an fixed height for the images. To update overwrite all files, deactivate the plugin and activate again. (oct 30 2021)
Version 6.0 - Updated to facebook API 10.0 (apr 26 2021)
Version 6.0 - Fixed playback facebook video's on mobile and desktop (jan 5 2021)
Version 6.0 - Fixed embedded youtube (dec 2 2020)
Version 6.0 - Added LinkedIn share button (oct 15 2020)
Version 6.0 - Fixed share buttons (oct 11 2020)
Version 6.0 - Updated to facebook API 8.0 and added security to links rel: noopener noreferrer (oct 08 2020)
Version 5.0 - Updated to facebook API 6.0 and fixed some rich snippets errors (mar 24 2020)
Version 4.0 - Added support for embedded Spotify in posts, lazyload for all iframe's in posts and nocookie url youtube (dec 29 2019)
Version 4.0 - Removed the share to linkedin (since that doesn't work anymore) and added a share to pinterest link (oct 25 2019)
Version 3.2 - Updated to facebook API 5.0 and if you use a Pagetoken the name from the comments will be shown (oct 14 2019)
Version 3.1 - Added default image if image is missing from the posts (oct 14 2019)
Version 3.1 - Updated to facebook API 4.0 and fixed broken template in case of an error (sep 19 2019)
Version 3.1 - Fixed some notices and added support for soundcloud and vimeo (may 10 2019)
Version 3.0 - Updated to facebook API 3.3, a lot of changes has been made (may 09 2019)
Version 2.6 - Removed share to google plus (mar 09 2019)
Version 2.6 - Fix for bug from the facebook API (jan 31 2019)
Version 2.6 - Changed the rich snippets to newsarticle (dec 09 2018)
Version 2.6 - Added option to use an Acces token instead of an App ID and App Secret (oct 24 2018)
Version 2.5 - Updated to api 3.1, fixed embedded video (aug 27 2018)
Version 2.4 - Updated to api 2.12, updated curl for slower servers and solved some missing fields problems (feb 28 2018)
Version 2.3 - Since in API 2.11 (November 7, 2017) I cannot retrieve the name form the comments, so I removed the name from the comments if API 2.11 is used (but still will get the message from the comments), also I made all profile images rounded the same way facebook does (nov 19 2017)
Version 2.2 - changed the lazyload to blazy.js for more speed. Also skipped the small preview images for more speed and removed the youtube API (oct 28 2017)
Updated to api 2.10 (sep 28 2017)
Updated to facebook API 2.9 (jun 6 2017)
Updated to facebook API 2.8 and fixed missing image with shared event (apr 12 2017)
Version 2.1. Updated to facebook API 2.7 and changed the html5 video into the embedded facebook video player (oct 4 2016)
Version 2.0. Updated to facebook API 2.6 and changed the json call, improved rich snippets and added comments on comments (may 5 2016)
Fixed start stop youtube iframe and fixed ShowImages true or false (feb 23 2016)
Updated to facebook API 2.5 (jan 21 2016)
Updated to facebook API 2.4 (jul 30 2015)
Version 1.6 added share to facebook button. It checks for the facebook sharing if the post is a link, a video or an image (may 28 2015)
Version 1.5 Fixed if image in shared post does not exists and check if comments are empty (may 03 2015)
Version 1.4 Check if there are RTL characters (Arabic, Persian, Hebrew) then set dir="rtl" (apr 30 2015)
Version 1.3 Added soundcloud support, updated to API 2.3 and small bug fix facebook if posts are double (apr 24 2015)
Version 1.2 Added option to remove the timeline (see third example Intrepid Travel on the demo) (mar 28 2015)
Version 1.1 Fixed loading highres images for facebook video's (mar 09 2015)
Version 1.1 Updated API to 2.2 and updated settings text (febr 11 2015)
Version 1.1 Removed js and css from the admin pages (nov 30 2014)
Added css word-wrap for long links (nov 29 2014)
Added debug for facebook url testing, see admin help tab (nov 11 2014)
First 1.0 release (sep 28 2014)