SSLCommerz Payment Gateway Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

SSLCommerz Payment Gateway Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This plugin enables the feature to integrate SSLCommerz payment gateway to WordPress website using widgets or shortcodes.


  • Integrate SSLCommerz payment gateway
  • Ability to use both test mode and live mode
  • Enable payment form using widget in any sidebar area
  • Integrate payment form within form using shortcode
  • Complete payment report from the admin side


  1. Admin page to set SSLCommerz credentials. You can assess this by clicking the "SSL Commerz" menu at the admin side.

    Admin page to set SSLCommerz credentials. You can assess this by clicking the “SSL Commerz” menu at the admin side.

  2. You can set the target pages based on payment status.

    You can set the target pages based on payment status.

  3. Set advanced options to fill the payment form.

    Set advanced options to fill the payment form.

  4. Set if you want to add service charge over the payable amount.

    Set if you want to add service charge over the payable amount.

  5. Payment statistics page shows the list of payments along with their status.

    Payment statistics page shows the list of payments along with their status.

  6. This is how a typical payment form looks like on default WordPress theme.

    This is how a typical payment form looks like on default WordPress theme.

  7. This is the confirmation page before redirecting the user to the SSLCommerz gateway.

    This is the confirmation page before redirecting the user to the SSLCommerz gateway.

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