Stachethemes Event Calendar – WordPress Events Calendar Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Current Version 5.4.0 View
WordPress 6.7 Ready
WooCommerce 9 Ready
Buddypress 14 Ready
GDPR Ready
Introducing the Stachethemes Event Calendar Plugin for WordPress
A powerful and feature-rich calendar solution that takes your event management to the next level.
What sets Stachethemes Event Calendar apart is its unique approach to the classic event calendar
concept. With a focus on ease of use and comprehensive event details, this plugin empowers you to create fully
detailed and informative events effortlessly. Whether you’re organizing conferences, workshops, concerts, or any other
type of event, this powerful plugin offers the flexibility and functionality to meet your needs.
Plugin Features
General Features
Powered by React.js for Outstanding
Performance and User Experience!
WordPress API Intergation
Plugin code (e.g. layouts, forms,
dashboard menus) is loaded on-demand
Intergated own Builder
Multilingual support
Fully translatable. i18n support
Multi-site Ready
WooCommerce integration. Sell tickets and product directly from your calendar
BuddyPress integration
Google Maps integration
Google Captcha integration
OpenStreetMap integration
OpenWeather integration
Font Awesome integration
Import & Export iCalendar events
Sync iCalendar events from url
Import & Export CSV events
Manage your calendar and events directly
from the front-end
Front-end Event Submission
Diverse Views – Agenda Month, Week, Day,
Grid, Box Grid, Map
Events slider Gutenberg block
Events list Gutenberg block
Full calendar Gutenberg block
Event submission form Gutenberg block
Filter events by date, location,
category, organizer, guests and more
Repeatable events
Auto-generated SEO Schema Markup
Built-in comments form
Facebook comments form
Event single page
Organizers and Guests pages
Built-in Media slider
File attachments section for your users
to download from the event
Map and directions
Search for events near the user’s
location (proximity filter)
Event weather forecast section
Event schedule section with details
Guests list
Organizers list
Attendance list
Event reminders
RSVP to Event
Built-in QR Code ticket scanner for
validating tickets
Color customizable
Social share links
Repeating Events
Create Daily Events
Create Weekly Events
Create Monthly Events
Create Yearly Events
Repeat Events on Weekdays and Weekends
Add Ex-Dates
Repeat on Specific Days or
Dates (e.g., every 3rd Tuesday or the 15th of each month and so on)
Manual Mode: Input RRULE String Directly
into the Repeater
Different Views
Month View
Week View
Day View
Agenda View
Grid View
Box Grid View
Map View
Modal Mode
Single Page Mode
Event Slider
Integrated Drag & Drop Layout Builder
Select Custom Colors
Select Custom Fonts
Change Layout Colors
Font-Awesome Icons
Add Custom CSS Code
Manually Add/Invite Attendees
Event Attendance via RSVP Form
Attend via Ticket Purchase
Public or Private Attendance List
Allow RSVP Waiting list (Queue)
Limit Total Number of Attendees
Limit Number of Attendees per RSVP
Require Phone
Require Login
Attendance Email Notifications
Powered by WooCommerce
Sell Simple or Variable Tickets
Limit Tickets Quantity
Limit Quantity per Event Occurrence
(Repeated Events)
Coupons and Discount System
Customer Notifications
Admin Notifications
Pay via any Gateway supported by WooCommerce
e.g. PayPal, Stripe, Amazon Pay,
PayFast, Square, Checks, Bank Transfers or On Delivery and more
Ticket QR Code Scanner for ticket
Google Fonts
Google Maps
Font Awesome Icons
For Developers
Filter Plugin Options Using WordPress
Filtering System
Envato Mentions
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How to use it?
Icons by Font Awesome. Check them out!
Map and reCAPTCHA by Google.
Map by OpenStreetMap.
Weather Forecast by OpenWeather
Change log
18.02.2025 Version 5.4.0
- Added Linked-In share button. - Fixed issue where Booking may unintentionally duplicate meta data. - Widgets now display events up to 6 months ahead if no date range is specified. - Added image preloader for the Events Slider. - Added option to Export All Orders by individual tickets. - Other minor fixes and improvements.
13.12.2024 Version 5.3.9
- Added the option to create and display event custom fields data on the front end. - Custom JS and Custom HTML builder elements now have access to the event object, enhancing customizability. - Added a new option in the Event Attendance section, allowing RSVP to events even after they've already started. - Fixed an issue where the stecFilterShareLinks filter didn't affect the Copy Link button. - Fixed an issue where Polylang/WPML and similar plugins displayed an incorrect number of items in the admin area when the user was not a super admin and the language flag was active. - Other minor fixes and improvements.
6.12.2024 Version 5.3.8
- Added a new option: "Keep top menu in a single line" in Top Menu settings. When enabled, the top menu stays in a single line on mobile layouts, and the date picker menu is converted into a dropdown. - Added a new option: "Display Labels" in Top Menu settings. This option displays labels for the Today, Search, Filters, and Print buttons in the top menu. - Improved the quick search field results in the admin panel, making it easier to find options. - Fixed typos in the admin repeater selector. - Fixed missing translation strings. - Other minor css fixes.
25.11.2024 Version 5.3.7
- Fixed an issue where scripts were not loading when the plugin shortcode was within another shortcode (nested shortcodes). - Added an optional "Phone Number" field to the RSVP form (under Settings -> Attendance ). - The "Number of Persons" field is now required in the RSVP form. - Changed the Media Carousel aspect ratio to 16:9. - Removed Media Carousel thumbnails on mobile screens. - Media Carousel now uses dynamic pagination buttons on mobile screens. - Increased the maximum border radius of elements from 10 to 30 (under Fonts & Colors -> Advanced -> Smooth Edges setting). - Other minor CSS fixes.
22.11.2024 Version 5.3.6
- Redesigned Media Carousel: Added support for mousewheel slide, drag slide, keyboard navigation, zoom, and looping. - Modal Windows: Now close when the phone's "back" button is pressed. - Updated Events Slider: Now supports mousewheel slide, keyboard navigation, and drag slide. - Added Turkish Translation: New .po file for Turkish. - Fixed Translation Issue: "Allow access to the dashboard from the front-end calendar" is now translatable. - Miscellaneous minor fixes.
01.10.2024 Version 5.3.5
- When submitting an event from the BuddyPress Group Calendar Page, the calendar list will display only the calendars for that specific BuddyPress group. - Added an option to change the HTML element type in the builder for the following elements: Event Title, Event Description, Event Date, Field Title, and Field Description.
04.09.2024 Version 5.3.4
- Performance improvements. - Date and time inputs are now separated. - Revised BoxGrid and Grid breakpoint logic. Added a new "Min Width" option to set the minimum width for the event box container. - In Month & Week layouts, the events preview list now auto-focuses if it falls outside of the view. (Requires Auto-focus events option to be on ) - Added "Single" and "Multi" options for the Inline Categories top menu. In Single mode, clicking on a category will deselect all other categories. - Redesigned the Inline Categories top menu: Category color is now represented by a line on the left side of the button instead of using the full background color. - Fixed deprecation warnings for QR Code Scanner and Color Picker components - Added new JavaScript filter stecFilterManageTermsPerPage for adjusting the per-page value on the admin page. - Added new JavaScript filter stecFilterSubmitFormData for modifying event data when submitted from the front-end event submission form. - Bug fix where Custom Fields ( Builder element ) values aren't saved. - Slider widget events can now be ordered by "random". - Slider widget nav buttons size reduced.
10.07.2024 Version 5.3.3
- Bug fix for ensuring API requests attach the x-wp-nonce
05.07.2024 Version 5.3.2
- Top DatePicker and Layouts dropdown menu now closes automatically when an item is clicked on Mobile view. - Create attendance now checks if event id parameter is missing ( admin panel ) - Added new JavaScript hook: stecFilterEventPreviewClassName allowing adding custom class names to the Event Preview Block - Event Tickets Widget now check if event id parameter is set before displaying - Fixed FontAwesome url in Embed Event function - Agenda list date strings now use format defined in the calendar settings
18.06.2024 Version 5.3.1:
- Improved ordering algorithm for day (hourly) layout events. - Added print button to day (hourly) layout. - Fixed issue causing occasional duplication or omission of events on the front-end. - Resolved bug affecting functionality of "Event Organizer" role in WooCommerce permission settings. - Introduced filter to customize Google Maps style using window.stecFilterMapStyle. - Fixed Add Image button malfunction with MediaPress plugin active. - Addressed error occurring during event update due to invalid comment type value. - Various minor fixes and improvements.
02.06.2024 Version 5.3:
- New day view layout - QR Code scan permissions: Admins can choose user roles with scanner tool access - QR Code display: Option to show QR Codes only when an order is "Completed" - Event submission form: Error notice added if the end date is before the start date - Event display: Option to show location thumbnail color instead of event thumbnail color - TOS messages: Now support HTML - Minor bug fixes