Summary Box For Wikipedia Links Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The «Summary box for Wikipedia links» plugin enhances your website by automatically turning all existing and new Wikipedia links into interactive and informative summary boxes!
A few years ago, MediaWiki had the fantastic idea of preview boxes (, which provides page previews (summaries) for internal Wikipedia links.
We thought it would be great to make this feature available to any website or web app! And to make it work well with touch and mouse on mobile and desktop.
In 2021 we started a project and released a small JavaScript library that can be used by anyone, see the project page ( In the course of an update and some functional enhancements, we took the opportunity to create this plugin for the world’s most widely used CMS, WordPress!
* It’s lightweight, free and open source.
* Activate the plugin to instantly display summary boxes on all existing and new Wikipedia links.
* Very lightweight and does not affect your website in any way.
* Works flawlessly with touch and mouse on mobile and desktop.
* Fine animation and Wikipedia links are marked with a pretty superscript “Wiki-W” next to the linked term.
* Supports all languages and text directions available on Wikipedia, including in mixed content.
* Link to subsections within Wikipedia articles.
* Customize settings for all or individual summary boxes, show/hide images, width, number of characters, font size, and more.
* Simplify content creation by offering on-demand term explanations.
* Connect your visitors to Wikipedia’s wealth of knowledge.
* Enhances your website with a useful and nice feature!
* The «Summary box for Wikipedia links» can be made available on any website or web application, not just WordPress! It only takes a few minutes and one line of code to have the feature!
See the project page for the “how to”.
* Download the plugin as a ZIP file directly from the project page.
* Wikimedia Foundation has also developed a WordPress plugin, Wikipedia Preview with a quiet other approach.
You could (dato) use both plugins at the same time (no conflicts to worry about) and combine the features. Note: If you do so you should not use the (cool) link selection tool of the Wikmedia plugin, despite set the links to the Wikipedia articles as you set links normally.
See it in action
* Example usage on
* More examples on our project page (
The initial version was created for our project “The Horse” concept to support student learning and projects. If you find the plugin helpful, consider supporting the development by donating to THE ! association.
For suggestions or inquiries, feel free to contact me
The Summary box with a preview of the “Wind” article on Wikipedia
Settings of the «Summary box for Wikipedia links»