SWE Osome Post Slider Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This is Post slider having many setting option from back-end
This is post slider with carausal you can use slider with one as full width , or 2 , 3 , 4 etc as you want to set to display in slider in deffent screen Desktop ,
Tablet and Mobile.
You can apply condition to post slider by category just provide category ID as in shortcode to display post slider of that category only and you can left blank for default all category.
This is shortode featured plugin which provide user friendly shortcode to be used any where either in posts , pages , widgets and php file and can also be used multiple times
Use [osomepost_slider] as shortcode to display slider without any condition.
Use [osomepost_slider category=”id”] for displaying post slider with condition ie. slider having only all post of that category id
Like [osomepost_slider category=”2″]
Use as php code to place in template file “do_shortcode(‘[osomepost_slider]’)” this is code by using php open and close tags. its already mentioned in dashboard plugin setting page.
This has also setting page where user can get many option to control slider and their elements.
This is the first screen shot screenshot1.png
This is the second screen shot screenshot2.png
This is the second screen shot screenshot3.png
This is the second screen shot screenshot4.png