Swift Security – Firewall Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Firewall module of the well known Swift Security Plugin
With the Firewall module you can prevent the most common attack attempts:
SQL injection
In case of vulnerable plugins or themes you can prevent attackers to exploit eventual SQL injection security vulnerabilities.
Cross-site scripting (XSS)
In case of vulnerable plugins or themes you can prevent attackers to exploit eventual XSS injection security vulnerabilities.
File path manipulation
You can prevent attackers to exploit eventual file path errors (for example a script uses relative paths for reading or writing a file, and the attacker by using ../ characters can reach files for which he shouldn’t have permission.
Malicious file uploads
It could happen that you may need to allow users to upload files on your website. In this case, if the file upload is not properly developed, an attacker – in lieu of the originally permitted file formats – can upload scripts, which once executed can obtain data or can take control over your website (and may use your server for sending SPAM).
With the Firewall File upload filter you can prevent an attacker from uploading executable, malicious scripts.
You can easily set the security level of the Firewall with the help of the slider, and if you are an advanced user, you can provide custom settings under the Advanced settings tab.
IP/Geo Filters
You can set filters based on IP addresses or specific countries. For example you can set a filter so that the WP admin can only be accessed from the USA. Also, you can block visits from specific countries.
Push notifications
With the help of pushover.net you can get real time updates about actions related to your website: successful login, unsuccessful login, hacking attempts, and receive scan reports from the pre-scheduled Code Scanner.
Anti-Brute Force
With the new anti-brute force feature you can protect your site from different brute-force attacks: password hackings, SQL injections or XSS attempts. You can set the maximum number of tolerated attempts. Once this number is reached, the system will automatically block the IP address in question.
Comment spam blocker
The built-in comment spam blocker put all spam comment to the spam folder without captcha
This plugin is a standalone Firewall plugin, so it does NOT require the parent plugin (Swift Security)