Taxonomy Extender Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Taxonomy Extender enhances your WordPress site by:
- Adding Categories and Tags to Pages: Assign categories and tags to pages just like posts.
- Enhanced Categories Widget: Extends the default Categories widget to allow excluding specific categories via checkbox controls.
- Enhanced Tag Cloud Widget: Extends the default Tag Cloud widget to allow excluding specific tags via checkbox controls.
- Assign categories and tags to pages just like posts.
- Extends the default Categories widget to allow excluding specific categories via checkbox controls.
- Extends the default Tag Cloud widget to allow excluding specific tags via checkbox controls.
- Works perfectly out of the box without any additional configuration.
- Easy to use and configure.
- Follows WordPress coding standards and best practices.
- Extend the default WordPress categories and tags without compromizing site speed.
This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later.
Developed by W3netLab Innovations.
- Support: For support, please visit the plugin’s support forum.
- Contributions: Contributions are welcome. Please contact the author for more information.
Categories and Tags on Page Edit Screen: Categories and Tags meta boxes displayed when editing a page.
Exclude Categories in Widget Settings: Exclude specific categories via checkboxes in the Categories widget settings.
Exclude Tags in Widget Settings: Exclude specific tags via checkboxes in the Tag Cloud widget settings.