TG Facebook Comments Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Facebook can bring a very large number of visitors to your website. Facebook Comments is one of the best ways to make your content reach the targeted audience. Moreover, Facebook Comments also give you a basic guarantee about the genuineness of the visitor and spam comments are extremely rare. When a visitor comments on your website through Facebook Comments, his comment may be shared with his friends, which can make your post viral and bring huge traffic to your website.
However, it is generally considered that Facebook Comments are very difficult to integrate in a website. TG Facebook Comments plugin provides an easy and simple way to integrate Facebook Comments in your WordPress website or blog. It allows users to comment on your website through their Facebook accounts. It has default options which take care of most requirements and you may not generally have to change the default options. What is required of you is only to provide the AppID for your Facebook Comments App, the method for obtaining which, in simple way, is also explained (please visit for more details). Rest is taken care of by this plugin. Of course, if you so wish, you can change the default settings in the plugin to customize Facebook Comments in the manner you like. Using TG Facebook Comments plugin, you can easily add, customize and administer or moderate Facebook Comments on your website.
Once installed, the settings of the TG Facebook Comments plugin would be available for being changed from the ‘TG Facebook Comments’ option in the ‘Settings’ menu on the admin screen (back-end) of your WordPress website or blog.
Configuring TG Facebook Comments plugin
TG Facebook Comments plugin allows you to change following settings (default settings are also provided, which may be good enough for most websites):
- Select or change the AppID for your Facebook Comments App.
- Select whether to show or hide Facebook Comments on POSTS (this includes custom post-types also).
- Select whether to show or hide Facebook Comments on PAGES.
- Select whether to show or hide Facebook Comments on HOME PAGE.
- Even if you have decided to choose settings to show Facebook Comments on all posts and/or all pages, you can still disable Facebook Comments on any individual post(s) or page(s), by using the TG Facebook Comments metabox at the time of publishing or updating that post or page. This metabox will be available below the editor on every Add New Post, Add New Page, Edit Post and Edit Page in your WordPress.
- Add additional moderators to moderate Facebook comments by simply adding the Facebook IDs of the persons who would act as moderators. You can add more than one additional moderators. Since all admins to your Facebook Comments App can, by default, moderate Facebook comments, the moderators added by you would be in addition to those admins. Please visit for learning in detail as to how to find your Facebook ID or the Facebook ID of any other user.
- Customize the width of the Facebook Comment box that appears on website. In fact, the default option is a responsive option that can automatically adjust the width of the comment box depending on the width of the DIV / place on your website where it is placed (also depending on the screen size of the device where the comments are shown, i.e., such as mobile phone, laptop or tablet, etc.). However, you may still like to manually change the width of the comment box as per your liking. This plugin gives you the freedom to do so.
- Select one of the two color-schemes for displaying Facebook comments viz., light or dark.
- Use HTML5 or XFBML version of the Facebook Comments.
- Multi-language support for Facebook Comments is available. You can easily select the language in which comments can be made on your website. All language options are displayed in a select box and youre required merely to select a language. Almost all major national and international languages are supported. At present, 90 languages are supported.
- Configure how many comments are to be displayed by default. Of course, a visitor can always load / show more comments easily if more comments are available for that post or page.
- Change the heading or title of the comments section as per your liking.
- Change the default order by which comments should be ordered initially. It can be Top, Newest or Oldest. A visitor can always change this order later while reading the comments on a post or page, etc.
This plugin works on all WordPress websites or blogs. It is a very light-weight plugin.
Online Live Demo
TG Facebook Comments plugin is installed on and is live on that website. So, you can visit any post on that website to see its live demo. In particular, you may visit which is the Plugin Page for this plugin and see TG Facebook Comments in live action. If you are logged in to your Facebook account, you can post your own comments also on that page, and these comments may also include your support requests and questions, etc., to which we may reply.
TG Facebook Comments plugin settings interface (Settings -> TG Facebook Comments).
How to access TG Facebook Comments plugin settings interface from admin screen of your WordPress website.
See in action, how Facebook Comments are actually displayed on your website with TG Facebook Comments plugin.
See how to disable Facebook Comments on an individual post or page by using TG Facebook Comments meta-box at the time of publishing or updating that post or page.
See the Moderation Tool link in the Facebook Comments section.