Thin Out Revisions Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
As its default behavior, WordPress makes a new revision when you update your post.
This also happens when you do a preview before publication.
This is too often even if you like revision control. Thin Out Revisions (TOR), a plugin
for WordPress, will help you to keep unwanted revisions out.
Basic Feature
You can remove intermediate revisions during comparing in ‘compare two revisions’ mode in revision.php. To do it, simply press the ‘Thin Out’ button (fig. 1 in the screenshots page).
And you can also remove each single revision from the Edit Post/Page screen (fig. 2).
WordPress 3.5 and prior, which have an old revision screen, are no longer supported.
When you publish a post
If you are a careful author, I guess you have many revisions as a result of preview checks.
TOR can clean them when you first publish your post.
Just simply enable the following option in the ‘Settings’ – ‘Thin Out Revisions’ admin page (fig. 3).
- Delete revisions on initial publication
Bulk erase of old revisions
You can remove old revisions on the fly or daily as a scheduled task (fig. 3).
Revision Memo
The Revision Memo feature enables you to put a short text note on revisions. See the pictures (fig. 4, 5) in screenshots page.
Make sure that you check the ‘Revision Memo’ screen option in Edit Post (Edit Page) screen.
More to Describe
- TOR works fine in multisite environment.
If you like it, please share it among your friends by doing Tweet or Like from the plugin home page.
It will encourage the author a lot.
Related Links:
fig. 1. The ‘Thin Out’ button to remove intermediate revisions.
fig. 2. A button to remove a single revision.
fig. 3. Options. You can remove old revisions on the fly or periodically.
fig. 4. Memos are displayed with brackets.
fig. 5. You can use a editor to update old memos.