Thumbnail Upload Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Thumbnail Upload is a simple HTML5 and javascript based drag and drop image upload plugin. It allows to replace the thumbnails that are auto generated by the default image resizer of WordPress. You can just drag your self-created thumbnails (size and look does not matter) from your desktop or any other location and replace the incorrect thumbnails which are automatically generated.
It is the easiest and quickest way to add or replace your thumbnails! You do not need any program or knowledge to access your server.
When to use this plugin?
If you want your own thumbnail to be displayed in the photo galleries instead of the default created by WordPress. For example, if the thumbnail of your photo gallery does not look good or if you are not satisfied by the WordPress created thumbnail. Then you can create own thumbs (which can of course look different from the original pictures), upload and replace them with the ones already generated by the WordPress.
How it works?
You can drag and drop the thumbnails that you want to replace using the simple interface provided by the plugin. Two things you must take care while uploading the images is the size of the image and also the name of the image.
1. The actual size of the image you created and the size you specified in the plugin must be the same.
2. The filename of the image must be the same as the original fullsize image that you uploaded in the media gallery.
Since this plugin works by replacement / adding of images, this means the original fullsize image must be available on the server and the filename that you are about to upload also must be same as the original image.
For Example:
If you have an image ‘myfile.jpg’ to upload to the gallery. First you upload it to your media gallery and see if the default thumbnail is correct or not.
If it is not correct you can create your own thumbnail (size and look does not matter) of ‘myfile.jpg’ and rename it as ‘myfile.jpg’ and upload the thumb by dragging it on the drag zone of the plugin. Also do not forget to enter the actual size (hight and width) of the thumbnail on the two input fields. This size must be exactly the same to the size of the thumbnail you want to replace to add.
More information:
Visit the elschundfink website for more information about Thumbnail Upload Plugin.
An example of how the the plugin looks like.
An example of how it looks when the uploads are successful.
An example of how it looks when the uploads are failed.