Toolbar Extras For Elementor & More – WordPress Admin Bar Enhanced - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
🚀 Quick Access to Your Site Building Resources – Big Time Saver. Perfect for Non-Techies and Non-Coder Designers.
This smart WordPress plugin just adds some missed and very useful admin links to your Toolbar / Admin Bar. Save scrolling and time. Access settings and content pages faster from one central area in the Admin Dashboard AND when on the frontend of your site.
Out of the box the plugin includes support for hundreds of awesome third-party Plugins and Themes. Create Elementor templates right from the Toolbar, jump to Granular Controls settings or with one click you are on the Plugin Installer page to upload a new Elementor premium Add-On. Yes, it’s so easy and fast.
Or customize any Theme settings of Astra theme via Customizer Deep links right at your fingertips – in the Toolbar. An optimized workflow to save you precious time. I released this plugin to the public to speed up your site building process even more – as the plugin already helps myself for a long, long time.
♥️ Features – What the Plugin Does
- Adds Page Builder links: Elementor & Elementor Pro – for example just add a new Elementor Template from the Toolbar, where Elementor builder loads right away and you begin building, yeah! 😁
- Adds links for Elementor Add-On Plugins
- Adds links for Elementor-friendly Themes, that also Support Elementor Theme Builder (Pro Version 2.0+)
- Adds links for general, very useful Plugins (for Site Builders/ Designers/ Developers)
- Enhances “New Content” section (under “+ New”) with more links – for content types, as well as Plugin & Theme installs
- Adds new groups & links to “Site” section (under your Website Title in Toolbar)
- Enhances the WP Comments section (bubble icon)
- Automatic detection of Local Development Environment – to better differentiate your development and live sites (works best with the App “Local by Flywheel” and a
domain) - Adds support for creating an “internal” new Menu for Admins which hooks into the Toolbar – using the regular WordPress nav menu system! (Menu location is: “Site Toolbar Menu”)
- Adds useful external resource links to most of the above mentioned sections (could be disabled, of course!)
- A few smart tweaks to change some behavior of WordPress as well as some plugins – all regarding the Toolbar – for example tweak the Howdy/Welcome item at the top right
- Some links/ tools aimed more for developers and local development (disabled by default, though)
- Adds plugin settings page (under “Settings > Toolbar Extras”) so you have control over what is displayed and what’s not!
- Any code is only loaded if needed – Example: if a supported plugin is not active, the links for it won’t even be loaded code-wise!
- Non-Techie and Non-Coder Designer friendly 🎉
- Clean and efficient code
- Developer friendly – offering quite a few action hooks and filters for customization if needed
- Fully internationalized and translatable – also tested/optimized for RTL languages
- ▶️ Video feature tour throughout the plugin
- ▶️ Video live demos, tutorials, Add-Ons and more
👍 Elementor & Elementor Pro Support
- Adds lots of Elementor Quick Jump Links to the Toolbar
- Perfect for all Elementor users!
- Elementor (free) version 2.x (and also former 1.x)
- Elementor Pro (Premium) version 2.x (and also former 1.x) – Theme Builder and Popup Builder
- 1-Click Template Creation: Start the Live Editor and create a new template (or page, post, custom post type) at the same time, with only one click – so easy!
- Elementor Finder feature integration – Elementor external resources links, plus settings & support for Toolbar Extras itself
- Elementor Debugger supported – optionally re-hook from top-level into Build Group
- Elementor actions – regenerate CSS (clear cache) and re-synching the external library
🎨 Supported Themes/ Frameworks
- Astra, including Astra Pro (Add-On) (both by Brainstorm Force) – see Astra ecosystem support listing page
- GeneratePress, including GeneratePress Premium (Add-On) (both by Tom Usborne) – see GeneratePress ecosystem support listing page
- OceanWP, including Suite of Premium Extras (Add-Ons) – see OceanWP ecosystem support listing page
- Genesis Framework (Premium, by StudioPress) – see Genesis ecosystem support listing page
- Page Builder Framework, including their Premium Add-On plugin (both by David Vongries & MapSteps)
- Customify (free, by WPCustomify/ PressMaximum), including Customify Pro (Add-On)
- Suki (free, by SukiWP/ David Rozando), including Suki Pro (Add-On)
- Neve (free, by ThemeIsle), including Neve Pro (Add-On)
- Suite of “Twenty 20..” default themes, like Twenty Twenty, Twenty Nineteen and Twenty Seventeen
- Hello Elementor Theme (free, by Elementor Team/ Elementor Ltd.), an official, simple starter theme for developers
- Layers for Elementor (free, by Elementor Team/ Elementor Ltd.), an official Elementor-friendly Theme
- Freelancer Framework (free, by Cobalt Apps)
- Dynamik Website Builder (Child Theme for Genesis) (Premium, by Cobalt Apps)
- Beaver Builder Theme (Premium, by FastLine Media LLC)
- Hestia, including its Child Themes “Orfeo”, “Tiny Hestia”, “Christmas Hestia” (all by Themeisle)
- Sydney (free, by athemes)
- Phlox (free, by averta) – including the free Add-Ons “Phlox Core Elements” and “Phlox Portfolio”
- Futurio (free, by FuturioWP), including Futurio Pro (Add-On)
- Woostify (free, by BoostifyThemes), including Woostify Pro (Add-On)
- Zita (free, by WpZita team), including Zita Pro (Add-On)
- Rife Free & Rife Pro (free/Premium, by Apollo13Themes)
- Sane (free) and Sane Pro (Premium) (both by Elegant Marketplace)
- Kava Theme (free & Premium, by Zemez Jet & Crocoblock) – including all Jet Plugins
- StartWP, including their StartWP Extended Add-On plugin (both free and by Munir Kamal)
- Flexia (free) – including Flexia Core (free) and Flexia Pro (Premium) plugins (all three by WPDeveloper)
- Storefront (free, by Automattic, Inc.), including 13 Add-On plugins
- Buildwall (Premium, by Zemez Jet)
- All church-specific themes by (Premium)
- Visual Composer Starter (free, by The Visual Composer Team)
- (Support for a even more great Themes is added step by step…!)
👉 See full Theme support listing on plugin’s website
👍 Support for Elementor specific Add-On Plugins
- Header Footer for Elementor (free, by Brainstorm Force)
- Elementor Extras (Premium, by Namogo)
- Ultimate Addons for Elementor (Premium, by Brainstorm Force)
- PowerPack Elements (free/Premium, by IdeaBox Creations)
- AnyWhere Elementor (free, by WebTechStreet)
- AnyWhere Elementor Pro (Premium, by WebTechStreet)
- StylePress for Elementor (free, by David Baker (dtbaker))
- Templementor – Persistent Elementor Templates (free, by Lcweb)
- Envato Elements – Template Kits (free, by Envato)
- Livemesh Addons for Elementor (free, by Livemesh)
- Livemesh Addons for Elementor Premium (Premium, by Livemesh)
- Essential Addons for Elementor Lite (free, by WPDeveloper)
- Essential Addons for Elementor Pro (Premium, by WPDeveloper)
- Element Pack for Elementor (Premium, by BdThemes)
- Premium Addons for Elementor (free, by Leap13)
- Elements Plus! (free, by The CSSIgniter Team)
- Debug Elementor (free, by Rami Yushuvaev)
- Elementor Contact Form DB (free, by Sean Barton)
- Lenix Elementor Leads addon (free, by Lenix)
- [Suite of “Jet Plugins” by Zemez Jet/ Crocoblock (all Premium)], including JetElements, JetWooBuilder, JetEngine, JetThemeCore and more
- Elementor Custom Skin (free, by Liviu Duda)
- Extra Privacy for Elementor (free, by Marian Heddesheimer)
- [White Label Branding for Elementor (Premium, by IdeaBox Creations)] – including Toolbar Extras support for some of the white label features (where applicable)
- Dashboard Welcome for Elementor (free, by IdeaBox Creations)
- DHWC Elementor (Product Templates for WooCommerce) (Premium, by Sitesao Team)
- Revolution for Elementor (free, by Jan Thielemann)
- Revolution for Elementor Premium (Premium, by Jan Thielemann)
- Portfolio for Elementor (free, by WpPug)
- PT Elementor Addons Lite (free, by ParamThemes)
- Elementor Addon Elements (free, by WebTechStreet)
- Elementor Addons & Templates – Sizzify Lite (free, by Themeisle)
- Granular Controls for Elementor (free, by Zulfikar Nore)
- PopBoxes for Elementor (free, by Zulfikar Nore)
- Custom Icons for Elementor (free, by Michael Bourne)
- (Support for even more Elementor Add-Ons is added step by step…)
👉 See full Elementor Add-On support listing on plugin’s website
🔌 Support for more useful Plugins for Site-Builders
- Central Color Palette (free, by Gáravo)
- Simple CSS (free, by Tom Usborne)
- Code Snippets (free, by Shea Bunge)
- Simple Custom CSS and JS (free/Pro, by Diana Burduja)
- Customizer Export Import (free, by The Beaver Builder Team)
- One Click Demo Import (free, by ProteusThemes)
- 404page (free, by Peter Raschendorfer)
- Add From Server (free, by Dion Hulse)
- Gravity Forms (Premium, by Rocketgenius, Inc.) (Smart Integration & Smart Tweaks)
- All major visual form builders beyond Gravity Forms: WPForms (Lite & Pro), Formidable Forms (Lite & Pro), Ninja Forms, Caldera Forms, Contact Form 7 (CF7), Everest Forms, HappyForms (free & Pro), weForms (free & Pro), Form Maker, Forminator, Advanced Forms (via ACF Pro), Fluent Forms (free & Pro), Flo Forms, HTML Forms, Torro Forms, BuddyForms, QuForm 2, ARForms, FormCraft 3 😀
- Popup Maker (free, by Daniel Iser) (requires v1.7+)
- Smart Slider 3 (free/Premium, by Nextend)
- Themer Pro (Premium, by Cobalt Apps)
- Extender Pro (Premium, by Cobalt Apps)
- Freelancer DevKit (Premium, by Cobalt Apps)
- IconPress Lite/Pro (free/Premium, by IconPress Team)
- Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) (free, by Elliot Condon)
- Advanced Custom Fields Pro (ACF Pro) (Pro, Elliot Condon)
- Pods (free, by Pods Framework Team)
- Meta Box (free, by + Add-Ons
- Instant IDE (Premium, by Cobalt Apps)
- All-in-one Migration (free, by ServMask)
- UpdraftPlus (free, by UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson)
- Duplicator (free, by Snap Creek)
- BackWPup (free, by Inpsyde GmbH)
- WPvivid Backup Plugin (free, by WPvivid Team)
- Lots of Genesis-specific plugins as well 👏
- Lots of Email Marketing plugins like OptinMonster, Convert Plus, Convert Pro, Hustle, Bloom, Mailster, MailPoet 3, MailPoet Legacy
- Lots of SEO specific plugins like Yoast SEO (free & Premium), SEOPress (free & Premium), The SEO Framework, All In One SEO Pack
- Suite of “Cherry Plugins” by Zemez (all free), that work well with Elementor (Projects, Service Lists, Team Members, Testimonials)
- Integrated with over 62 (and growing!) plugins specific for the Block Editor (Gutenberg)
- (Support for more general Plugins is added step by step…)
👉 See full general Plugins support listing on plugin’s website
👉 See full Gutenberg Block Editor Add-On plugins support listing on plugin’s website
🔌 Support & Compatibility for more plugins
Toolbar Extras supports even more plugins as listed here. Also, the plugin was tested with a lot of other plugins adding stuff to the Toolbar – and all works very well. We try to be not in the way of other plugins but rather work well together. This being said, Toolbar Extras even allows you to tweak the (Toolbar) behavior of a few selected plugins. This is really cool to save space in this bar and make the appearance overall a lot cleaner.
For full list of supported plugins and third-party plugin compatibility just visit our website at
▶️ Official Add-Ons for Toolbar Extras
These Add-Ons are also developed and built by myself (David Decker) and bring the awesomeness of Toolbar Extras to other page builders and other great plugins & areas in WordPress. Check them out for yourself:
👉 Toolbar Extras for Oxygen Builder
Integrates the awesome Oxygen Builder into the Toolbar – for faster access to templates, settings and resources. Build Oxygen sites even faster. – Get this Add-On now
👉 Toolbar Extras for MainWP Dashboard
Manage your websites faster with MainWP Dashboard and your Toolbar. Get more productive and benefit from a better user experience. – Get this Add-On now
👉 Toolbar Extras for Give Donations (GiveWP)
Collect and manage donations faster with GiveWP and the Toolbar. Get more focussed on your fundraising missions and save time. – Get this Add-On now
ℹ️ Important: Required/ Recommended for plugin usage
- Required: User has role
(needed capabilitiesmanage_options
) - Required: Toolbar/ Admin Bar is enabled (user profile settings in WordPress)
- Required: User is logged in (of course)
- Recommended: Plugin’s settings are enabled to show the wanted links (or any filter/ constant in code)
- Recommended: Elementor Page Builder is installed & activated – Toolbar Extras plugin integrates fully with Elementor (Pro included) and is optimized for it
🌎 Translations
- 🇺🇸 English (United States) –
= default, always included - 🇩🇪 German (informal, default) –
- 🇩🇪 German (formal) –
- 🇨🇦 English (Canada) –
- 🇬🇧 English (UK – United Kingdom) –
- 🇳🇿 English (New Zealand) –
- 🇦🇺 English (Australia) –
file (toolbar-extras.pot
) for translators is always included in the plugin’s ‘languages’ folder
😎 Be a Contributor
If you want to translate, go to the Translation Portal at
You can also contribute code-wise via our Toolbar Extras GitHub Repository – and see where you can help.
📝 Documentation and Support
- For more information about features, FAQs and documentation, check out our website at Toolbar Extras Plugin.
- If you have any more questions, visit our support on the Plugin’s Forum.
- An overview about the ongoing development you’ll find on our Trello Board for the Plugin’s Roadmap
⚡ Liked Toolbar Extras Plugin?
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- Become a Patron 💜 and support ongoing development, maintenance and support of this plugin
- Follow us on Instagram 📷 and like our content
- Follow us on Twitter 🐦: @ToolbarExtras and @deckerweb
☕ This Plugin …
- … scratches my own itch!
- … is Quality Made in Germany
- … was created with love (plus some coffee) 😎 – if you like it consider donating
☺️ Donate
Enjoy using Toolbar Extras? Please consider making a donation – every donation helps to support the project’s continued development, maintenance and support.
Thank you very much in advance for your support!
👏 Credits
Credit where credit is due. The following code, classes and libraries were used for this plugin, all licensed under the GPL. Note: Credit is also referenced in the code doc block inline where used.
- Class “DDWlib Plugin Installer Recommendations” (PLIR) by David Decker – DECKERWEB (GPLv2 or later)
- Class “Persist Admin notices Dismissal” (PAnD) by Agbonghama Collins and Andy Fragen (GPLv2 or later)
- Class “Astra Notices” by Brainstorm Force (GPLv2 or later)
- Class “My Plugin Manager” by Theme Blvd and Jason Bobich (GPLv2 or later)
- jQuery Plugin, JavaScript “Dashicons Picker” by Brad Vincent (GPLv2 or later)
- Admin Settings JavaScript by StudioPress (GPLv2 or later)
- Code for frontend Toolbar color by Daniel James (GPLv3)
Additional Info
Idea Behind / Philosophy: Just a little lightweight plugin for all the Non-Coder site builders out there using Elementor page builder – making their daily work and life just a little easier.
Last but not least
Special Thanks go out to my family for allowing me to do such spare time projects (aka free plugins) and supporting me in every possible way!
🔆 My Other Plugins
- Toolbar Extras for Give Donations (GiveWP) – Add-On plugin
- Toolbar Extras for MainWP Dashboard – Add-On plugin
- Toolbar Extras for Oxygen Builder – Add-On plugin
- Builder Shortcode Extras – WordPress Shortcodes Collection to Save You Time
- Builder Template Categories – for WordPress Page Builders
- Polylang Connect for Elementor – Language Switcher & Template Tweaks
- Simple Download Manager for WP Document Revisions
- Genesis What’s New Info
- Genesis Layout Extras
- Genesis Widgetized Not Found & 404
- Genesis Extra Settings Transporter
- Genesis Widgetized Footer
- Genesis Widgetized Archive
- Multisite Toolbar Additions
- Cleaner Plugin Installer
- My plugins newsletter
Toolbar Extras – New “Build” Group with links to Page Builder (Elementor), the current active Theme, plus Add-Ons and Resources
Toolbar Extras – Build Group with current active Theme (Astra) – detailed Deep-Links into Customizer Sections etc.
Toolbar Extras – Build Group with links to Pro version of the Theme (Astra Pro Add-On), plus sub-links, resources
Toolbar Extras – Build Group – links for Elementor Add-Ons
Toolbar Extras – Extensive resources for the active Page Builder (Elementor) – Documentation, Community, even for Developers
Toolbar Extras – “Local Development Environment” – use the Toolbar to differentiate your various local, development, staging, production, live sites
Toolbar Extras – Additional links for “New Content” Group – create Elementor Template from Toolbar – open the Elementor Editor (live Builder) directly with a new template and start editing directly!
Toolbar Extras – easily install new Plugins – search for Plugins, or upload ZIP file
Toolbar Extras – also, easily install Themes – search for Themes, or upload ZIP file
Toolbar Extras – extended “Site” Group – Manage Content – Pages, Posts, Products (when WooCommerce is active) and support for additional plugins as well …
Toolbar Extras – example of supported Plugin “Code Snippets”
Toolbar Extras – Nav Menus – jump to admin/ Customizer pages – edit existing menus, including the optional “Toolbar Admin Menu”
Toolbar Extras – example for “UpdraftPlus” re-hooked from top-level Toolbar to a sub-item
Toolbar Extras – smart tweak: use the same color scheme for Toolbar on the frontend as in the WP-Admin
Toolbar Extras – smart tweak: optionally remove WP Logo (and sub-items) and replace with “World” Group – link to your site (new browser tab), plus lots of external resources for site management
Toolbar Extras – the “World” Group with site icon (if set in the Customizer)
Toolbar Extras – on frontend, deep links are added for the Customizer, to jump directly into a panel, or a section
Toolbar Extras – on the right side, add a “User” Group – list roles, do administrative stuff
Toolbar Extras – optional “Dev Mode” – links for developers, including the Code Editors
Toolbar Extras – optional (Super) Admin Toolbar Menu – filled with custom links …
Toolbar Extras – create this optional Admin Toolbar Menu directly with the WordPress menu system – so easy!
Toolbar Extras – plugin’s settings page (under “Settings”) – tab “General” – all the common settings
Toolbar Extras – plugin’s settings page (under “Settings”) – tab “Smart Tweaks” – change Toolbar behavior of WordPress, plus a few third-party plugins
Toolbar Extras – plugin’s settings page (under “Settings”) – tab “Development” – for setting “Local Development Environment” as well as “Dev Mode”
Toolbar Extras – plugin’s settings page (under “Settings”) – tab “About & Support” – support info etc.
Toolbar Extras – easily change the icon of various Toolbar links of the plugin with the Dashicon picker
Toolbar Extras – help tab for Admin Toolbar Menu
Toolbar Extras – Site Health Debug Info screen with additional info (WP 5.2+)
Toolbar Extras – Optional “What Template?” feature to detect template file name of current displayed page/ document
Toolbar Extras – Import/Export of plugin’s settings via .json file – also for any of the official Add-Ons
Toolbar Extras – “Website Settings”, bunch of sub items within the Site Group, mirrors official WordPress settings for the site