Transposh WordPress Translation - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Transposh translation filter for WordPress offers a unique approach to blog translation. It allows your blog to combine automatic translation with human translation aided by your users with an easy to use in-context interface.
You can watch the video above, made by Fabrice Meuwissen of which describes basic usage of Transposh, more videos can be found in the changelog
Transposh includes the following features:
- Support for any language – including RTL/LTR layouts
- Unique drag/drop interface for choosing viewable/translatable languages
- Multiple options for widget appearances – with pluggable widgets and multiple instances
- Translation of external plugins without a need for .po/.mo files
- Automatic translation mode for all content (including comments!)
- Professional translation bt One Hour Translation
- Use either Google, Bing, Yandex or Apertium translation backends – 117 languages supported!
- Automatic translation can be triggered on demand by the readers or on the server side
- RSS feeds are translated too
- Takes care of hidden elements, link tags, meta contents and titles
- Translated languages are searchable
- Buddypress integration
Our goals:
- Performance – very fast – using APC cache if available
- Support – you want it – we’ll implement it, just visit our development site
- Security – we have externally audited the plugin for improved security
- Ease of Use – making translation as fun and as easy as possible
- Flexibility – allowing you to take control of the user experience
- SEO – search engines exposure increase
Technology has been thoroughly tested on a large dynamic site with millions of monthly page views. Feel free to visit Colnect, the best site for collectors.
= Translation credits =
* Dutch – Roland Nieuwendijk
* German – Jenny Beelens
* Hebrew – Amir
* Italian – MacItaly
* Persian – Sushyant Zavarzadeh
* Portuguese (Brazil) – Amilton Junior
* Russian – Romans Matusevics
* Serbian – [Borisa Djuraskovic]
* Spanish – Angel Torregrosa, Ignacio
* Turkish – Ömer Faruk Karabulut and Semih Yeşilyurt
* French – Michel Chaussée
This is a screen shot of Transposh home page with the flagged widget on the right sidebar
This is the same site, translated to Hebrew, take note that automatic RTL kicked in
A look at the translation interface, in Spanish, viewable is the editor window and the icons used to trigger it in the background
The settings page, including management of active languages and various other settings
Widget style selection box, with three basic appearances, flags below (in Hebrew), language selection on the top right and language list on the bottom right.