TukuToi Contact Form Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

TukuToi Contact Form Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

TukuToi Contact Form Plugin lets you add a simple Contact Form to any Page, Post or Custom Post of your WordPress Website.
Using a ShortCode with attributes you can configure several aspects of the Contact Form, such as:
– Form ID
– Label for the Name Input
– Label for the Email Input
– Label for the Subject Input
– Label for the Message Input
– Label for the Send Button
– Error message for required Fields
– Error for invalid Emails
– Success message

Why would we need one more Contact Form Plugin? There are too many Contact Form Plugins already!

Because most Contact Form Plugins are/became actual Form Builders, that let you create any kind and sort of Form.

Which is great, of course, but it also means the actual purpose of the “Contact Form”, being a wrapper for the “Email Me” link, got sort of defied in most “Contact Form” Plugins.

TukuToi Contact Form does exactly what its name suggests.
It lets you add simplest of Contact Forms to your Website thru a ShortCode.
That’s it. There’s no Form Builder, complex validation or Captcha Settings (there’s a honeypot against robots, inbuilt in the plugin).

With a minimal set of ShortCode attributes you can control the visual aspects of the Form (Labels and Success/Error messages).
Thru a set of Filters and Actions you can further control the Form and its behaviour, down to almost every action and string it does or uses.

These Filters and Actions usually get “wrapped” into a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for anyone to easily change those settings, however that also adds bloat, and encourages to ask for more tiny features, which one added to another, end up making the Contact Form Plugins be actual Form Builders.

Thus a clear decision was made to not provide a GUI for this plugin.

Furthermore, keeping the plugin minimal, targeted and not using any advanced features, we can keep it compatible with WordPress versions from 4.x up to any version to come, without having to make a split between the worlds.

This plugin therefore is compatible with ClassicPress, as well as with WordPress.

ShortCode Attributes

  • id. ID of the Form. Defaults to 1 if not passed. Must be set when using Filters or actions referring to this ID, Accepts only text or numeric value. Can be string or numeric (although we recommend string, since it is used as the Form HTML ID as well).
  • label_name. Label of Name Input. Defaults to “Your Name”. Accepts only text.
  • label_email. Label of the Email Input. Defaults to “Your E-mail Address”. Accepts only text.
  • label_subject. Label of the Subject Input. Defaults to “Subject”. Accepts only text.
  • label_message. Label of the Message Input. Defaults to “Your Message”. Accepts only text.
  • label_submit. Label for the Submit Button. Defaults to “Submit”. Accepts only text.
  • error_empty. Error message for empty field(s). Defaults to “Please fill in all the required fields.”. Accepts only text.
  • error_noemail. Error message for empty or invalid Email Input. Defaults to “Please enter a valid e-mail address.”. Accepts only text.
  • success. Success message shown instead of the Form when the email was sent successfully. Defaults to “Thanks for your e-mail! We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.”. Accepts only text.

Actions and Filters

The Plugin offers several actions and filters.

  • tkt_cntct_frm_email. Allows to modify the receveir email of a Contact form. Defaults to get_bloginfo( 'admin_email' ). Second argument passed is the Form ID.

    add_filter( ‘tkt_cntct_frm_email’, ‘special_receiver’, 10, 2 );
    function special_receiver( $email, $id ){
    if( (int)$id === 1 ){// If your Form ID is 1
    return ‘an@email.com’;
    } else {
    return ‘another@email.com’;

  • tkt_cntct_frm_subject. Allows to modify the Subject of email sent. Second argument are ALL the form fields (array). Form ID is part of the form fields. Third argument is the receiver Email.

    add_filter( ‘tkt_cntct_frm_subject’, ‘special_subject’, 10, 3 );
    function special_subject( $subject, $form_fields, $receiver ){
    if( $form_fields[‘id’] === ‘my-contact-form’ ){// If your Form ID is my-contact-form
    return ‘Custom Subject’;
    } else {
    return $subject;

  • tkt_cntct_frm_message. Allows to modify (or append to) the Message of email sent. Second argument are ALL the form Fields (array). Form ID is part of the form fields. Third argument is the receiver Email.

    add_filter(‘tkt_cntct_frm_message’, ‘append_to_message’, 10, 3);
    function append_to_message( $message, $form_fields, $receiver ){
    if( $form_fields[‘id’] === ‘my-contact-form’ ){// If your form is ID my-contact-form
    return $message . ‘

    appended string

    } elseif( $receiver === ‘my@receiver.com’ ){
    return ‘overwrite the entire message’;
    } else{
    return $message;


  • tkt_cntct_frm_redirect_uri. Allows to filter the Redirect URL. Defaults to current page with ?success=true appended on success. Second argument passed is Form ID.

    add_filter(‘tkt_cntct_frm_redirect_uri’, ‘redirect_url’, 10, 2);
    function redirect_url( $redirect, $id ){
    if( $id === ‘my-contact-form’ ){// If your form is ID my-contact-form
    return ‘https://custom.url/thing’;
    } else{
    return $redirect;


  • tkt_cntct_frm_ip. Allows to filter the IP Address appended to the email body (useful to remove it, for example).

    add_filter(‘tkt_cntct_frm_ip’, ‘filter_ip’, 10, 2);
    function filter_ip( $ip, $id ){
    if( $id === ‘my-contact-form’ ){// If your form is ID my-contact-form
    return ”;// remove IP alltogether.

  • tkt_cntct_frm_pre_send_mail. Action fired right before the mail is sent. Second argument all form fields. Helpful to do things before the mail is sent…

    add_action( ‘tkt_cntct_frm_pre_send_mail’, ‘pre_send_mail’, 10, 1 );
    function pre_send_mail($form_fields){
    if($form_fields[‘id’] === ‘my-contact-form’){
    wp_mail( ‘custom@email.com’, ‘new mail’, ‘someone is about to send an email with your contact form’ );

  • tkt_cntct_frm_post_send_mail. Action fired right after the email is sent. Arguments include $receiver, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers, $form_fields. Helpful to for example send another email to another place, after the mail was sent. Or whatever, abort the script, if you like.

    add_action( ‘tkt_cntct_frm_post_send_mail’, ‘post_send_mail’, 10, 5 );
    function post_send_mail($receiver, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers, $form_fields){
    if($form_fields[‘id’] === ‘my-contact-form’){
    wp_mail( ‘custom@email.com’, ‘new mail’, ‘someone has sent an email with your contact form’ );

  • tkt_cntct_frm_pre_redirect. Action fired right before the wp_redirect is fired. Arguments are $redirect_url, $form_id

    add_action( ‘tkt_cntct_frm_pre_redirect’, ‘pre_redirect’, 10, 2 );
    function pre_redirect($redirect_url, $form_id){
    if($form_id === ‘my-contact-form’){
    wp_redirect( ‘https://wherever.com’ );

  • tkt_cntct_frm_post_redirect. Action fired right after the wp_redirect is fired. No arguments.

    add_action( ‘tkt_cntct_frm_post_redirect’, ‘post_redirect’, 10 );
    function post_redirect(){
    wp_mail( ‘custom@email.com’, ‘new mail’, ‘someone has sent an email with your contact form and everything went well, they where redirected to your target url’ );

Styling the form

The Form is built with native HTML and minimal markup, so you can apply whatever styles you want in general.
The few classes and IDs passed have all a tkt- prefix.
Available classes and IDs:
* tkt-contact-form. Class for the form HTML attribute.
* Form ID is the ID you pass to the ShortCode id attribute.
* Each input has an error class set when failing validaton: tkt-missing-or-invalid
* Heneypot fields are usually not to be styled further, but who knows you might need to access them, they use class tkt-ohnohoney

Note that Plugin CSS (and JS) are enqueued only when the ShortCode is added to a page/post. For this reason scripts are added to the footer.


  1. Default Contact Form

    Default Contact Form

  2. No Email Provided validation

    No Email Provided validation

  3. Success Message

    Success Message

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