Tweets By Post Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Adds post wise tweets at the end of your post. It handles twitter feeds, including @username, #hashtag, and link parsing post by post. It supports displaying profiles images, and even lets you control number of tweets. you can set default twitter settings(very helpful for existing posts) and update it post by post.
- Well written tutorials to help you throughout
- Very simple interface
- Custom twitter criteria post by post
- Feed: displays the most recent tweets
- Retweets: displays retweets by others mentioning @username
- Mentions: displays everyone?s tweets mentioning @username Public
- displays latest tweets plus replies/mentions and retweets (basically a merge of feed and mentions mode)
- Favorite: displays the favourites of @username
- Search: displays feed of that search term
- Hashtag: displays feed of that hashtag
- Ability to set default twitter criteria
- Allows to set number of tweets, displaying avatar/profile images and css customization
- Ability to show tweets on specific post only.
Future Releases
I will try to add more features in coming version’s
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