TwitchPress UM Extension Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
BETA WARNING – Plugin is still in development as part of a complex Twitch system when used with other extensions.
The plugins development requires the core plugin to be updated and is time consuming in the early
days. Please be patient and support the project to drive it forward.
This extension for your TwitchPress setup allows you to integrate the fantastic Ultimate Member plugin
and control memberships in sync with subscriptions. When your viewers change their subscription
status, their membership level (role) will be updated.
Currently requires the following plugins:
* TwitchPress Core Plugin – Use to build a custom Twitch suite with extension ability.
* TwitchPress Sync Extension – Focuses on updating locally stored Twitch data in a controlled manner which is required for busy sites.
* TwitchPress Login Extension – Provides safe login and automatic registration that other extensions can expand further to suite different systems.
Developer Comment
With the TwitchPress project being so new the exact approach to take for each feature may not
work first time around. The requirement of a core plugin and another two extensions might seem
a lot but there is good reason for it. The TwitchPress project is being developed to allow the
growth of an advanced Twitch suite. That can only happen in a highly extendable environment that
allows you to replace an official extension with a third-party one. An extendable environment
requires individual systems and large features to be separated from the core plugin.
The key during this early stage is to let me know what you need your Twitch suit to do for you
or for your visitors. I will do the work required to achieve the administration views and
public features to meet your needs.
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Features List
- Shortcode for adding Connect to Twitch button to Ultimate Member login form.
- Hooks into the TwitchPress Sync Extension subscription data management and reacts to a visitors change in Twitch channel subscription.
Translator needed to localize our Channel Solution for Twitch: TwitchPress, and it’s extensions.
Version Numbers and Updating
Explanation of versioning used by myself Ryan Bayne. The versioning scheme I use is called “Semantic Versioning 2.0.0” and more
information about it can be found at
These are the rules followed to increase the TwitchPress plugin version number. Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
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