Twitter Widget By Campaign Kit Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Looking for the easiest way to display tweets on your WordPress site? The Campaign Kit Twitter widget allows you to display a stream of your recent tweets, with images hash and cash tags and a link to the original tweet. You can also display the Twitter account banner and a follow me link.
Easy to use by using widget, function or shortcode. Flexible and extendable.
Parse data from the Twitter API:
- Support hashtags link
- Support ctag link
- User mention link
- User link
- User media link
- Cache request
Twitter Widget by Campaign Kit bundles the following third-party resources:
- Twitter API Wrapper License: MIT
- Icons by Fontawesome 5 and generated by Iconmoon License: SIL OFL 1.1
Code inspired by Get Tweets in PHP and Latest Tweets Widget.
Campaign Kit – Twitter API settings panel.
Campaign Kit – Twitter widget.
Campaign Kit – Twitter widget display.