Typing Animation Block Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Typing Animation Block Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

You can use the block inside the Gutenberg editor as you would use a headline block. You can find it in the common section. You can change the text that appears in the animation in the editor (Number 1 in the screenshot). The different sentences are separated by a pipe (|). You can format the text by using <i>...</i> for italic or <b>...</b> for bold text. To change the underlying element that is used in the html of the page (h1 to h6 or span) there is a dropdown menu in the block toolbar(Number 2 in the screenshot). In the block panel you find different options to customize the speed, looping and other options of the typing (Number 3 in the screenshot). The underlying library used is Typed.js. You can find more information in the repo

Icon made by freepik from www.flaticon.com


  1. The position of the different parameters as explained in the description.

    The position of the different parameters as explained in the description.

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