Uberwidget! Wordpress Sidebar & Widget Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Uberwidget is the all in one widget plugin you’ve been waiting for all the time.. Until now!
Uberwidget really sets the standard for new widget plugins and gives you full control over sidebar en widget management in Wordpress, all in the original widget screen! The possibilities are unlimited, latterly unlimited and you can set everything for every theme without any code, there’s even no code needed in the theme files!
What does it do?
Uberwidget gives you the possibility to set widgets / sidebars in two different ways:
– Widgets manual
– Widgets automatic
Manual gives the possibility to enter manual – custom – names for sidebars you wish. Lets say you want an extra sidebar for the contact page? You can just enter “contact” als sidebar name and it will be added to the widgets screen.
You can also set an standard sidebar for existing and new pages.
The automatic section gives you the chance to enter for which types you want to automatically generate sidebars. This can be done for:
- pages
- posts
- Custom post types
- Categories
When you’ve set the set the manner of handling sidebars, you can choose via a simple dropdown menu per page / post which sidebar you want to show on that specific post! Isn’t it great?!
Style your plugins
In the settings page of the plugin you can even enter styling options for your widgets. You can add code for before the widget, after the widget and style options for (around) the title.
Things can get messy?
True! When automatic generating lots and lots of sidebars, things can get a bit messy. But as easy as generating sidebars will be with this plugin, just as easy will it be to delete or de-activate them. No messy widgets screen, just those that you need! You can delete all the widgets you want and just keep those that are needed.
Check out the video
Check out the video of the Uberwidget Wordpress plugin right here!
We’re already working on some updates for the plugin, you can expect those within a very short period of time. These updates will bring you:
- automatic sidebar per custom post type (already done)
- automatic sidebar per category (already done)
- duplicate widgets
Duplicate widgets?
The duplicate widget is something developers will love! How often do you have to add a new text widget, copy the title, copy the text an than drag it into the right sidebar…? It will be history from the moment the update will arrive! Just copy the text widget (for example) and place it into the right sidebar and you’re done!
If you have any questions about the Uberwidget plugin or want to know how it works? Just check our video via the video button on the top.
Supported languages so-far
- Dutch
- Englisch
Wordpress 3.5
The plugin is already radically tested with WordPress 3.5 beta’s and works just fine!
Januari 11, 2012
*Add: option to generate sidebars per custom post type
*Add: option to generate sidebars per category
*Fix: Fixed a bug with the standard sidebar
*Fix: Fixed a bug when there were nog post / pages
november 15, 2012
Initial release