Ultimate Post Types Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Ultimate Post Types provides an easy interface for custom Post Types and Taxonomies management through the admin. It works fully with the WordPress post type/taxonomy API and covers the functionality from creating a post type, through adding taxonomies and custom fields, to the template which the post type uses.
It is a logical extension of the Ultimate Fields plugin and will not work if the latter is not installed.
Post Types & Taxonomies
You can create unlimited custom post types and custom taxonomies and set up every one of their details, as it would be possible through code.
Custom Fields
When creating a post type or taxonomy, you can directly assign all of Ultimate Fields’ custom fields!
With Ultimate Post Types you can select which template from the active theme should the post type use for it’s singular pages.
Additionally, you can define content that will appear before and after the standard content of the post type. That content may include custom fields, associated with the post type. This way you can create a custom template for your custom post type and display custom fields accordingly, without needing to add them to each separate post.
You can export post types and taxonomies as stand-alone PHP code! When you add the code to your theme or plugin, the code
is self-sustaining and does not need Ultimate Post Types to be installed.
You would only need Ultimate Fields or Ultimate Fields Premium in order to enable custom fields.
This screenshot shows the main page where you can set a post type up.
The second screenshot shows how the Fields interface looks.
The third screenshot shows how you can modify the template of the post type.