Users Ultra Membership, Users Community And Member Profiles With PayPal Integration Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Users Ultra Pro 3.0 is the ideal tool for creating advanced user communities in a few minutes. Building a talents community, model agency websites, social communities and any kind of user websites is really fast. It can be intregrated in any WordPress Theme. You can add as many fields as you wish by using the Fields Customizer Tool and it comes with reCaptcha.
Users Communities and Social Networking Websites are incredibly simple to build. All the modules are customizable, even if you don’t know how to code, and they’re minimalist enough that a few minor changes make them look unique to you. Users Ultra handles One-Time and Recurrent Payments.
Compare Versions:
The free version of Users Ulra includes 90% of the fetures for free:
You can compare the versions by clicking on the following link :
Demo Links:
- Elegant Users Profile
- Users Registration Form
- Registration Form With Multiple Custom Fields
- Social Connect Buttons
- Users Login Form
- Minified Users Login Form
- Users Directory
- Grid Users Directory
- LightBox Images Gallery
- Display Fields by User Role Only. You can Select Roles that can see it.
- Make Fields Editable by User Role Only. You can Select Roles that can edit it.
- New Features Every Week.
- Integrate with third-party plugins
- Use any shortcodes in the user’s profile
- Medallions and Fulfillments.
- Use any shortcodes in the user’s dashboard.
- Create Unlimited Widgets.
- Add Unlimited Links to the User’s Dashboard.
- Membership Packages & Registration Form with Roles. Users can select a role when registering.
- Set Custom Role on Registration.
- Set Custom Role for Social Media Registration.
- bbPress Integration. Users Ultra Pro makes your forum look much more elegant.
- User Online/Offline Status.
- Social Connect Buttons. (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Instagram)
- Multisite Support.
- Advanced Users Management. Find your users easily. Send activation link, deny/approver users. Upgrade and Downgrade User’s Membership and more.
- Minor Tweaks Support.
- SMTP and Mandrill Emails.
- Front End Publisher With Multiple Images.
- Elegant Customizable Users Profile.
- Custom Profile Background for every profile.
- Multiple User’s Profile.
- Spam Protection. IP Blocking. Simple way to stop fake account spam!
- Advanced CSV Users Import Module.
- reCaptcha. It protects your website from spam !
- Users Wall.
- Groups.
- Facebook, Gravatar and Custom User’s Avatar.
- and so much more …
Common Shortcodes:
Here there are some useful shortocodes that will help you to start your online community in minutes.
Registration Form:
[usersultra_registration] – This will display the registration formLogin Form:
[usersultra_login] – This will display the login formMy Account:
[usersultra_my_account] – This will display the user’s accountUsers Directory:
[usersultra_directory] – This will display the users directoryUser Profile:
[usersultra_profile optional_fields_to_display=’age,country,social’] – This will display the user’s profile
How To Links?:
Create a New Profile Field
Activating Paid Membership Module
How To Override the WP Registration & Login Pages
Facebook Login & Registration
Instagram Login & RegistrationGoogle Plus Login & Registration
Twitter Login & Registration
Creating Communities and Networking Websites:
Users Ultra not only includes common features for managing members but it includes a lot of other features that will help build member driven communities with no need to know how to code. Users Ultra has been created to provide powerful tools for the website builder who may be beginning and may not be an expert with WordPress and for professionals who know how to code.
Basic knowledge of how to set up WordPress and install, activate and set up plugins and themes is recommended.
Users Ultra can handle almost all aspects of a powerful community website because it includes features such as: Private Messaging System, Friends, Like/Unlike, Photos, Galleries, Front End Posting (default posts), Stars Rating, basic Membership Management with PayPal integration and many more features for free.
Importing users with custom meta from a CSV file:
You can import users by using the powerful importing tool that comes with the plugin. It doesn’t matter how many extra fields you would like to import, Users Ultra will import all of them automatically.
The only thing you have to do is creating a CSV file separated by commas; this can be easily done by using any standard spreadsheet software.
Certainly, the improvement of this feature will give you more flexibility when importing users through Users Ultra. Migrating to Users Ultra is easier now!
Spam and Robot Protection:
Now Users Ultra Lite includes reCaptcha spam protection. Yes, now with Users Ultra you can protect your website against robots for free.
Mobile Devices Compatible:
Users Ultra looks great on any mobile device. It has been developed by using the latest HTML5 and CSS standards in order to make Users Ultra look good at any resolution. It doesn’t matter what screen size your user is seeing your website, Users Ultra will look excellent and user friendly always.
Paypal Membership System:
The plugin can be used to manage large communities of either free or paid subscribers. You can create as many packages as you wish with some limitations such as: how many photos, galleries to each package. The Users Ultra Membership module allows you to accept either one-time payments or recurring payment through Paypal.
Since it uses Paypal, you could create almost any type of billing period such as: monthly, yearly, daily. We hope you enjoy this great feature to manage your Paid Membership Packages.
The MailChimp feature allows you to quickly and easily add your new subscribers in your MailChimp list without any confirmation email.
Password Strength:
You can help protect your users’ accounts by managing and monitoring the strength of their passwords.
- Set Minimum password length.
- Set if must contain at least one number and one letter.
- Set if must contain at least one upper case character.
- Set if must contain at least one lower case character
Social Connects
Optional you can let users sign up & login by using the following social media options:
- Google Plus
- Yahoo
- Yammer
Protecting content based on Membership Package & Logged in:
The plugin comes with an easy to use shortcode that allows you to protect content based on logged in and membership packages. This means that you can publish content that will be visible only for paid users. For example: you can publish content for gold members which will not be visible for silver members. Users Ultra allows you to protect entire pages and posts and display custom “blocking” messages to not logged in users.
- Make visible entire Pages and Posts only to logged in users.
- Display partial content only to logged in user.s
- Display partial content only to certain membership packages.
CSV Users Import
This great feature allows you to import users into the Users Ultra System easily through a CSV file. You may also to notify users once the importing process has been finished. Besides, you can set a default status for the imported users.
Auto Sync with WooCommerce
Syncing with WooCommerce will automatically add WooCommerce customer profile fields to your Users Ultra Plugin. A quick way to have a WooCommerce account page integrated with Users Ultra. This great feature allows users to manage their Shipping Information through Users Ultra instead of using the default WooCommerce profile page. Users Ultra lets you sync the user’s shipping and contact information of WooCommerce in just one click.
WooCommerce Order Status Module.
Users Ultra allows your clients to check the status of their orders online through the elegant user’s backend. This is an easy and professional way to let your customer know about the status of their purchases. Your clients will be able to check the last modified data, order total, creation date and order’s status.
Twitter Login & Authentication with OAuth
Users Ultra lets your users sign in and sign up by using their Twitter accounts with just one click. Integrating Twitter Login will increase your sign in/sign up conversion. Also, you will be able to share user activities, drive traffic to your site from social network sites, and increase user engagement on your site.
Terms & Conditions Text/HTML
Now you can display a checkbox that the user should accept in order to continue with the registration.
Besides, Users Ultra allows you to post an automated message right after the subscription.
Private Messages System For WordPress
Users Ultra comes with a powerful private messaging system that allows users to send messages to other members of the user’s community.
The users panel has a modern, easy to use messages board with “read bubble” notifications. Also, when viewing a message the users will see a well-organized conversation. Deleting a message can be done with just a click. Marking messages as read/unread is done by using AJAX.
Besides, each message will display the user’s avatar and there is an “received” and “sent” messages box that will help you to keep your messages organized easily.
Front-end Publisher
Allows your users to add new posts within a category by using a “nice” publisher in the users backend. The post will keep as “pending” until the admin has approved it.
Conditional Search Fields:
Users Ultra allows you to place a powerful search box to filter your users by using a simple shortocode. The searching form is fully responsive and can be placed anywhere in your WordPress Theme.
You can filter your users by using any amount of conditional fields such as: country, age, gender, name etc. The Users Searching function was developed by using the “WP_User_Query” class, this avoid overloading the database. Also, we have implemented innovating cache methodology that makes browsers load faster.
Sync old users to make them work with Users Ultra?
Users Ultra comes with a One-click sync tool that prepare your previous users to make them work with this Users Plugin.
Amazing Pricing Tables with Shortcodes:
Users Ultra gives you an easy way to generate pricing and/or comparison tables. You may choice multiple colors and they look very elegant. Generating Pricing Tables for your membership packages can be done by using shortocodes. You just need to input the Plan’s ID and everything will be filled out automatically. You don’t need to write the package’s name or the price, everything happens automatically and handled by Users Ultra. The Pricing Tables are generated by using pure CSS3 and HTML.
Redirection after user login, logout and registration.
Admin approval, user activation or deactivation
Allow admin to approve user upon registration and activate or deactivate any user, any time.
E-mail verification
Verify user email in order to activate a new user.
Customize Email Template
Customize user registration, activation, deactivation, lostpassword etc emailsa.
Key Features:
Paid Membership Features.
- Admin has the capability to set free membership or paid memberships.
- Admin can create unlimited membership packages.
- Admin can set one-time or recurring payments.
- Admin can set the membership duration.
Social One-Click Connects
- Yahoo
Private Messaging System:
- Users can send private messages to other members.
- Users can reply messages.
- Users can delete & marks as read messages.
- Users can block “senders”.
Even More Great Features:
- Photos & Galleries
- Drag & Drop Multi-Uploader
- Promotion Options
- 5 Stars Rating System
- Detailed Stats
- Top Rated Features:
- Most Visited:
- Youtube & Vimeo Videos
- User’s Avatar:
Translations Included:
- Swedish. Thanks to €lger
- German.
- Portuguese. Thanks to mauro.mascarenhas
- Portuguese Brasilian. Thanks to mauro.mascarenhas
- French. Thanks to Ben
- Spanish.
- Hebrew. Thanks to Ahrale
- Hungarian. Thanks to István.
- Rusian. Thanks to bob_2222
Special Thanks to:
James H. Twitter account @g0blinResearch
Panagiotis Vagenas
Private Messaging Box With Emoticons ONLY FOR PRO
Widgetized Users Profile ONLY FOR PRO
Medallions and Fulfillments ONLY FOR PRO
Powerful Private Messaging System
Advanced Dashboard
Front-End Post Publisher
Profile Fields Customizer
Add New Posts
Drag&Drop Photo Uploading