Vanilla Bean Slack Hooker Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
*Automated notifications from your WordPress * to your Slack / Mattermost application channels and webhooks.
There is no limit to the ways you may integrate this plugin.
It supports all other Vanilla Bean plugins and is available for under-the-bonnet
use as well as shortcode access.
Some shortcode examples:
[slackhooker text="Here is a message from my wordpress"]
[slackhooker text="Here is a message" channel="general" username="My WordPress"]
[slackhooker text="Here is a message" channel="" username="My WordPress"]
Messages are queued last in the PHP process to insure your other page processing is not interrupted, but you can override:
[slackhooker text="Here is a message from my wordpress." sendnow="true"]
Multiple or custom Webhooks supported
[slackhooker text="Here is a message to multiple webhooks" alsoto=","]
Programmatic Examples
VanillaBeansSlackHookervbean_slackhooker('Here is my notification');
VanillaBeansSlackHookervbean_slackhooker('Here is my notification','mychannel','Username',':specific_icon:');
VanillaBeansSlackHookervbean_slacknotify(array('text'=>'Here is my notification','icon'=>':open_mouth:'));
There are defaults for all except the message. You can specify:
`* text – required. This is your message
* endpoints – override defaults with a comma separated list of endpooints with optional channel and alert eg: endpoints=’”
* channel – defaults to ‘general’ or your admin default specified channel – depracated
* username – the identity you would like displayed as the sender in the channel
* icon – any of the available emoji icons in the slack system
* sendnow – true or false. Defaults to false. True means that the message would be executed at the time it is called rather than at the end of page load.
We can be found at:
* (
* Twitter: @VelvaryVanilla
* E: info@ or support@
Example of wordpress monitoring
Admin instruction page
Another example of wordpress monitoring
Screenshot of default options
Screenshot of Notification choices