Ventuno’s VideoPub Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Ventuno’s VideoPub Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 1 ratings
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Plugin Description

Ventuno’s VideoPub is a WordPress solution for publishers who would like to leverage the power of Ventuno’s content syndication platform in their WordPress site. The Platform helps publishers to video enable their website by providing infrastructure, monetization and an extensive media library of over 150,000 videos across multiple content categories. Daily more than 150 professionally created videos are added to the media library.

VideoPub simplifies the process of integrating these videos into a WordPress powered website. Publishers can search (via categories and keywords) and pick appropriate videos to integrate into their pages. Along with the videos, VideoPub also includes video titles, descriptions, and keywords. Furthermore, ads are integrated with content which allows publishers to create audience engagement and value to their daily posts


  1. VideoPub Dashboard.

    VideoPub Dashboard.

  2. linking-up your Ventuno account

    linking-up your Ventuno account

  3. Create a publisher account to link your Ventuno account

    Create a publisher account to link your Ventuno account

  4. Single video publish catalog

    Single video publish catalog

  5. Video Templates publish

    Video Templates publish

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