Viocee AWS Media Library Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The plugin relies on Apache server’s mod_rewrite and AWS as a service. If your WordPress site running on Apache server with mod_rewrite enabled, while you have an account with AWS, you can use it.
The advantage of AWS S3 as the space for your media library is obvious. You will have an unlimited storage on AWS S3, on which your media files also could be CDN delivered for best significant performance with Amazon CloudFront.
Why Viocee AWS Media Library?
Viocee AWS Media Library’s philosophy is Rest as Concurrency.
When you upload media files to your WordPress site, the plugin will take them and immediately transfer them to AWS S3. The media files uploaded will be deleted from or kept for backup on WordPress’s default space when the transference succeed.
As php is single_threaded blocking process under web requesting. A considerable slowdown is inevitable if the plugin tries to go on to transfer the uploaded media file from WordPress’s default space to AWS S3.
However, with the idea of Rest as Concurrency, the plugin will invoke a restful api call for the the transference of your media fils to AWS S3, and with no waiting for the response.
The transference to AWS S3 could succeed and then the media files will be deleted or renamed for backup in restful process. If a media file found from requesting, serve it, or else serve it from AWS S3 location instead. It is a trick of Apache server’s mod_rewrite.
Even if a network failure occurs, the transference of media files uploaded to AWS S3 will be done eventually with periodic cron checks.
The plugin just turns WordPress’s media library default space to AWS S3, while the user interface and database record for post media files remains unchanged.
To see the effect, just copy the location of a media file ( eg. a picture )into the browser’s address bar, a redirect will take it to AWS S3.
Major features in Viocee AWS Media Library include:
- Automatically transfer media files to AWS S3 upon uploaded.
- For old post media files AWS S3 not hosted yet, if auto upload configured true from the plugin’s setting page, transference of these old files to AWS S3 will be invoked in periodic cron jobs.
- Large file (less than 5G) uploading (not for free version).
- Save your disk space or make backups on your disk space with the proper configuration you set.
- Media files can be recover from AWS S3 to WordPress’s default space in configured cron jobs and the recovery process will be noticed before you try to uninstall the plugin.
- The plugin requires Apache server with mod-rewrite enabled which, fitting for most cases of WordPress site.
- The plugin relies AWS as a service, you must have an account with AWS.
- 100% network failure tolerance.
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