Vir2al Options Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
This Plugin let’s you create an beautiful options page based on AJAX.
Note: This PlugIn is made for Developers only. If you are not the Developer of the theme or plugin. Ask your developer.
- Create a File called “options.php”.
- Add the following to your functions.php or plugin.php
< ?php //check if plugin exists
if(function_exists ('create_vtl_options_page')){
add_action('admin_menu', 'register_options_pages');
} else {
function vtco_error_notice() {
echo '‘.__(‘You need to Install the Plugin “vir2al options”‘).’
add_action( ‘admin_notices’, ‘vtco_error_notice’ );
} ?>
function vtco_register_settings_pages(){
//Add any Page you want here
add_options_page( 'Additional Options', 'Additional Options', 'manage_options', 'addoptions', 'options_cbfunc');
function options_cbfunc(){
// create your form ?>
<fieldset data-name="Tab 1">
<td><?php echo get_vtlo_input('option_name'); ?></td>
<fieldset data-name="Tab 2">
<td>Test Image</td>
<td><?php echo get_vtlo_imgupload('option_name_img'); ?></td>
//let the magic happen
return create_vtl_options_page($html);
Possible inputs
Textarea: get_vtlo_textarea(name);
Input: get_vtlo_input(name);
Select: get_vtlo_select(name,options_array);
IMG: get_vtlo_imgupload(name);
Multi IMG: get_vtlo_multiimgupload(name);
Colorinput: get_vtlo_colorinput(name,default_color);