Viral Signup — Limited Invites Signup Plugin With Viral Referral Sharing - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin is a unique, the one and only, plugin that enables you to easily create a limited signup form on your website. Moreover, it enables you to turn on the viral sharing and make the users work for you and bring you referrals. Just promise and deliver an incentive for them, of course.
This plugin lets you easily create a signup form with a limited amount of available signup slots. Want to allow only a 1000 users to signup for your beta release? This plugin makes it super-easy!
This plugin makes the marketing task of creating scarcity super easy. As well as the task of implementing the viral sharing mechanics. Install plugin, enter easy settings, paste the shortcode where you need it and you are good to go!
Plugin has 4 easy-to-setup modes:
1. Simple Signup: just the simplest possible opt-in form with confirmation that is shown without page reload. Really great signup option for the best user experience.
2. Simple Signup + Viral Sharing: a simple signup form followed by sharing with referral mechanics
3. Limited Signup: a signup form with limited amount of slots / invites
4. Limited Signup + Viral Sharing: limited signup form followed by sharing with referral mechanics
Style It How You Want It
Change colors. Change text sizes. Change position of the form: left, center, right. Change text alignment: left, center or right.
Change Texts
Write your own texts for any part of the plugin, including the submit button’s text.
Insert Your Link
Insert the link you want users to share. You can add also an #anchor to it (useful for long landing pages, when you want to direct users to a certain part). Or you can enable the ‘Lead directly to form’ option and users will be taken to the form directly.
Specify The Amount Of Needed Referrals
You can specify how many referrals you want a person to bring to complete the goal. Be it 1 or 100. After they bring the referrals, they move to a separate list of emails.
No Cheating
In order to prohibit the user to just throw in some emails by himself, the cookies-based protection is built-in. You can specify how many days the locking will take place (minimum 1 day).
Custom Facebook Share Text
You can enter your custom text that will appear in Facebook’s share widget. This requires a simple app on Facebook, though.
No Annoying Page Reloads
The confirmation text is shown right away without reloading the page, providing the best user experience. You can insert whichever text or links you want in the confirmation text, though.
Email Management
Save all emails from any form and easily manage them in one single place
Email Export
Export to csv, xlsx or simply copy to clipboard with just one click
Integrated with Mailchimp and GetResponse. Automatically save users’ names and emails to your Mailchimp and GetResponse lists.
Ongoing Support
We are supporting our customers with great care and urgency. When you encounter a problem, we are eager to help.
Constantly Evolving
We are listening to your feedback and add features regularly! Let us know what else you would like to have in this plugin.
Installation & setup
1. After the purchase, download the zip file.
2. Go to your wordpress admininstration (/wp-admin), go to plugins, click ‘Add plugin’, click ‘Upload’, select and upload the zip file.
3. Limited Signup will appear on the left, in your wordpress admin menu.
4. Choose the plugin mode.
5. Enter necessary settings if you chose the limited signup mode: the amount of available slots and the amount of already taken slots.
5. For viral sharing, enter the details for your viral sharing campaign: your link, number of referrals required to bring.
6. Click save and then just paste the [vSignup] shortcode wherever you want on your website.
Video instructions
1. How to set up custom text for Facebook sharing
For the viral sharing, this plugin adds a unique tag via appending a ’?’ mark and a unique code to the shared link. If you are inserting the limited plugin’s form into a post, make sure you are not using the default setting for the post links (e.g. a link like will prevent viral sharing from working, because the link already has the ’?’ character).
We are supporting our customers with great care and urgency. When you encounter a problem, we are eager to help.
Feel free to ask your pre-sale questions, as well.
Update log
Version 2.5 | 11 Dec 2016
- Email management system added: manage all emails from all signups in one single place
- Emails export added
- Mailchimp integration added
- GetResponse integration added
Viral Signup changelog:
version 3.2
- ADDED: Send email to user, when achieved the goal