Virtual Tour Creator Plugin for Wordpress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Virtual Tour Creator is a extremely powerful virtual reality tour builder that supports both image panoramas and 360 video tours.
Create stunning virtual reality tours easily, using plugin UI visual editor. Let visitors take a realistic remote tour and create a deep interest.
Create unlimited tours with unlimited scenes and hotspots. Track scene views and hotspot interactions using detailed statistics management.
Virtual Tour Creator is packed with huge amount of features and customization options for scenes, hotspots, maps and general customization including advertising.
Display almost any kind of content inside the tour from images, audio, video, live streams, iframes, PDF documents, Google maps, WooCommerce products (..and more), in built in popover and lightbox system.
Features and options:
- Written in plain Javascript which means it will run fast in your website and will not interfere with other scripts.
- Desktop, mobile and tablet support (fully responsive and mobile optimized controls)
- Supported scene types:
- equirectangular
- cube
- video (normal, hsl, dash)
- mixed scenes (mix image and video scenes together in same tour)
- Mix image and video scenes together.
- Scene options:
- active / hidden scene
- custom start position (pitch, yaw, zoom)
- restrict vertical / horizontal drag
- scene annotations (text descriptions)
- scene audio
- single or multiple scenes supported
- export scene
- Video scene options:
- set scene start / end time
- show / hide hotspots between desired video times
- autoplay scene
- loop scene
- Presentation mode (automatically navigate through scene hotspots including annotations)
- Display adverts before / between each scene
- Adverts types
- Video
- Youtube
- Vimeo
- Select user roles which can view scene without adverts
- Optional advert skip button
- Restrict scene / hotspot access in WordPress
- Restrict scene / hotspot access to user role, user ID(s)
- Allow only logged in users to view scene / hotspot
- Restict access by password to scene / hotspot
- Scene thumbnail gallery (vertical / horizontal)
- Scene quick access list (desktop and mobile optimized)
- Hotspot display (display hotspots in scene)
- Hotspot versions
- text
- icon + text
- embed selection
- embed 3d
- Hotspot support
- image
- video
- live stream video (hls, dash)
- audio
- Youtube
- Vimeo
- gallery
- iframe
- Google maps
- external url (link)
- download
- WooCommerce product
- shortcode
- custom HTML
- Hotspot options
- active / hidden hotspots
- hotspot action (available on hover / click)
- hotspot animation
- hotspot caption, description
- hotspot audio
- hotspot tooltip
- hotspot popover with content (show images, audio, video..)
- open fullscreen lightbox with content (show images, audio, video..)
- auto open hotspots
- save hotspot as preset
- Hotspot action
- link to scene
- Point of interest
- Look at direction in the scene
- Create floor maps for each tour
- Map features
- mini / fullscreen map version
- zoom / pan map
- create map pins which lead to different scenes
- Search panel (contains searchable list of all active scenes and hotspots in current tour)
- Tour statistics:
- track scene views
- track scene view time per user
- sort scenes by most viewed
- track hotspot interactions
- sort hotspots by most interactions
- Export tour data in CSV
- Multiple scene transitions (fade, swipe, slide..)
- Show tour intro welcome message before tour loads.
- Show your logo image above tour.
- Custom loader between scenes.
- Display custom tour info above screen (like company info)
- Support for multiple tours in the same page
- Optional controls (choose what control buttons to use in tour)
- Available controls:
- features list (show / hide hotspots, navigation, icons)
- scene list
- scene gallery
- scene navigation (zoom, pan, backwards, forwards)
- auto rotate
- compass
- audio
- social sharing
- custom tour info
- fullscreen
- floor map
- search panel
- gyroscope
- Custom gallery icons
- Translation (translate all tour text options)
- Query string parameters, load tour scene with parameters directly in browser url.
- Optional keyboard navigation
- Social sharing (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr… etc)
- Embedding (embed tour on another websites using iframe)
- Export and duplicate tours
- API methods to interact with the tour on runtime
- load scene
- next scene
- previous scene
- load hotspot
- show / hide hotspot
- stop / start scene presentation
- skip advert
- close restrict access screen
- disable / enable scene movement
- show / hide floor map
- load floor map
- Event callbacks
- component ready
- before scene change
- after scene change
- hotspot pin click
- map pin click
- video scene end
- enter / exit fullscreen
Images and videos used in preview demos
Credit: ESO/P. Horálek
Updates / Changelog
VERSION 1.0 [25.04.2023]
- first release