Wao.io Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
wao.io is a free plugin to test loading time and security of your wordpress site.
Performance Features
Image Optimization
The intelligent image optimization algorithm radically reduces file size without suffering a loss in quality.
You can choose between three levels of image compression.
wao.io optimizes your images by converting the original image into the best matching output format that your customer’s client is capable of rendering.
Lazy Loading
Using lazy loading, your images will be loaded only shortly before they are visible to the user.
Preloading image placeholders in the size of the original images will prevent your site’s layout from jumping around.
You decide which placeholder option integrates best in your overall webpage design
HTTP/2 Upgrade
Enabling wao.io provides an automatic HTTP/2 upgrade for your website.
Your content will be cached in our optimized varnish cache cluster.
In your personal control center you can clear the cache whenever necessary.
More Loadtime Optimization Features
- Head Re-ordering
- Legacy Optimization
- Code Minification
- Ressource Compression
Website Security Features
wao.io provides an automated HTTPS/SSL upgrade for your website. Our powerful rewriting and
redirecting services ensure a smooth transition from HTTP to HTTPS.
Web Application Firewall
Using the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) wao.io’s web application firewall provides
protection against many common attack categories, including the OWASP Top Ten.
The firewall will be updated periodically by our security experts.
Browser Security
Setting HTTP security headers with wao.io will add yet another layer of security to your website.
Analytics Controll Panel
wao.io provides you with all important metrics that help you understand your customers
and the effectiveness of your marketing measures: unique users, sessions and bounce rate.
You can also monitor the percentage of saved traffic served to your clients.
wao.io shows all health data of your website at a glance:
Load time, page weight, and error rate.