Wbb-offcanvas-menu Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin creates a complete configurable dynamic responsive off-canvas menu including links to the different pages and posts.
Customization: The complete menu can easily be customised and integrated to the chosen theme. You can configure the position of the menu and his corresponding menu-icon.
Style the menu by changing colours of backgrounds, borders, text, mouse hover you can also adapt the font family to make it fit with your web design.
Responsive: Select the device where to show the off-canvas menu. There are several devices where you can select from like desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile. The mobile device is by default selected.
Positioning: Configure easily the position of the menu button. You have also the choice of side to slide in from (left /right side of your web page).
With the WordPress customizer you see the off-canvas menu live in action when customizing position and style.
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