WC Provincia Canton Distrito Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WC Provincia Canton Distrito Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Manage your custom states, cities, and postcodes by countries from a .json file that it can be moved to your theme using hooks or managed them by the plugin settings.

Available into My account, Shipping calculator form, and the Checkout.

It started working only for Costa Rica but now it is compatible with multi countries.

Check or request a custom PRO add-on here

Features And Options:

  • Multicountry compatible.
  • Postcode loaded from the selected location.
  • Filters and actions are available.
  • Also available for admin orders edition
  • Shared locations for Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru and Nicaragua are available here.


  1. Shipping calculator

    Shipping calculator

  2. Checkout


  3. Provincias


  4. Distritos búsqueda

    Distritos búsqueda

  5. Editar dirección

    Editar dirección

  6. Detalle dirección

    Detalle dirección

  7. Opciones en Administrador de órdenes

    Opciones en Administrador de órdenes

  8. Formato .json para país, estado, ciudad y código postal

    Formato .json para país, estado, ciudad y código postal

  9. Plugin settings

    Plugin settings

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