Google Maps Locator Plugin For WordPress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Google Maps Locator plugin to build custom Google Maps with high quality markers and additional instruments. Frontend submission form allows users to submit markers and listings from frontend of WordPress site. Search form filters markers and listings by categories, locations and content fields. Draw Area functionality is the most perfect tool to search needed places in accurately pictured area.
Features of Wordpress Google Maps plugin
- Custom icons and colors of map markers
- Frontend dashboard for regular users
- Draw Area functionality
- 5-star ratings for listings
- Load only visible map markers – thousands of markers will not slow down the site
- Load marker InfoWindow by AJAX – additional tweak for performance
- Customizable content fields of different types
- Font Awesome icons for custom content fields
- Category-based content fields
- Search by categories and locations
- Powerful search by content fields
- Powerful directions panel
- Markers icons and colors by categories
- Icons for categories and locations dropdowns search
- Locations search in radius – results displaying on the map
- Markers clusters
- Automatic Geolocation
- Set up listings active period or make them eternal
- Ability to renew expired listings
- Set up any number of locations for one listing
- Assign any number of categories for one listing
- Listings Images with AJAX uploading
- YouTube and Vimeo videos attachments for listings
- Contact listing owner form + integration with Contact Form 7 plugin
- Email notifications
- Adapted for reCaptcha
- Comments in listing window
- Start address or start latitude/longitude point on the map
- Fully customizable and easy in configuration
- The plugin uses custom post types and taxonomies
- Responsive and mobile-friendly design
- Fully compatible with WPBakery Page Builder
- 5 shortcodes, including: maps, search box, submission form, frontend dashboard and submit button
- Custom Google Map styles
- Order address elements as you wish, commas and spaces help to build address line
- Supports RTL (Right To Left) – layout, functionality, UI widgets
- CSV import/export/bulk update with ability to import images files
Please look at our Directory plugin for WordPress
Please, note, that Google Maps is no longer free. You must enable billing with a credit card and have a valid API key for all of your projects.
Google Maps Platform gives $200 credit monthly which gives near 28.000 map loads per month for free.
This is requirement of Google Maps service and not the plugin itself.
Version 2.5.9 - June 17, 2022 - improvement: better search by address and in radius - bug fix: wrong database structure on installation - bug fix: broken string/textarea fields search Version 2.5.8 - April 11, 2022 - new feature: center point on radius search - move and search - improvement: added 'use_wrapper' parameter in [webmap-dashboard] shortcode - improvement: clusters grid size was reduced - new setting: Images required - bug fix: disable listing link in info Window when readmore button disabled - bug fix: disable wheel zoom setting did not work - bug fix: could not disable search form on maps - bug fix: 5-columns layout of a search form could not be saved Version 2.5.7 - February 16, 2022 - bug fix: missing map markers after previous update Version 2.5.6 - February 10, 2022 - bug fix: missing javascript files on load after previous updates Version 2.5.5 - February 9, 2022 - improvement: edit "Try to search" and "Search in radius" labels in search forms options - improvement: tags filter was added to the map configuration settings - improvement: now decimal values available when search by radius - bug fix: search field select dependency terms problem - bug fix: follow content fields shortcode parameters - bug fix: hierarhical and multi-select search fields reset error Version 2.5.4 - November 26, 2021 - improvement: search by opening hours field - improvement: sticky-scroll search forms on map now have fixes position in the map sidebar - improvement: sort listings by distance when search in radius - improvement: pan the map to entered address when search in radius - bug fix: removed unverified message of WooCommerce Search & Filter plugin Version 2.5.3 - October 22, 2021 - bug fix: broken post types functions on the last update Version 2.5.2 - September 30, 2021 - improvement: more accurate items count on address radius search - improvement: taxonomy specific and dependency terms shown by tree in Search Forms panel - bug fix: mile/miles, kilometer/kilometers translation function updated Version 2.5.1 - September 30, 2021 - improvement: adapted for Loco translate Version 2.5.0 - September 29, 2021 - New search system - new feature: search/listings sidebar on the right - new feature: listings below the map - improvement: clickable phone number in map marker InfoWindow Version 2.4.8 - July 23, 2021 - improvement: new Google Maps style: No default Points Of Interest on the map - bug fix: main map reload on listing window open Version 2.4.7 - May 8, 2021 - bug fix: could not switch off "Directions" and "Read more" buttons Version 2.4.6 - April 29, 2021 - improvement: map marker info window generated in template (customize it now) Version 2.4.5 - March 5, 2021 - improvement: compatibility with new version of Contact Form 7 plugin - bug fix: broken map on admin backend during listing creation Version 2.4.4 - February 12, 2021 - improvement: ability to import additional map marker info in CSV file - improvement: added "no listings found" note at the listings sidebar - bug fix: clusters not working correctly Version 2.4.3 - January 18, 2021 - bug fix: error on predefined values of checkboxes content fields in search form Version 2.4.2 - January 14, 2021 - improvement: better compatibility with WordPress 5.6 Version 2.4.1 - November 27, 2020 - new setting: enable map dragging by one-finger movements - improvement: reCAPTCHA v3 was added - improvement: redirect='URL' parameter for the [webmap-search] shortcode - bug fix: logo space persists when "Speed up loading on AJAX" enabled in map settings - bug fix: separate translation strings of expiration email notification subjects Version 2.4.0 - August 5, 2020 - new feature: add predefined locations at the frontend submission form - bug fix: php errors on a map with preselected categories - bug fix: search input reset did not work on certain occasions - our plugins section updated