Web Smarter Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Managing WordPress development was never been easier. Web-Smarter allows WordPress admin to gather all the development related information under one roof like, assigning development tasks to developers, set deadlines and get estimates of the development work. All this right from your “ADMIN PANEL”, such as –
1) Any change, bug or maintenance task can be managed and monitored through this extension.
2) Required tasks can be estimated and completed by our external expert suppliers.
Major features in Web-smarter include:
Collect & Track the tasks assigned directly from the wordpress admin area.
Design, development, content or any other task type, can be allocated to your expert and you will get access to the most dexterous workers.
Each of the tasks can be asked to be estimated and performed by an external specialist. The expert can be reached directly the admin panel.
You can start automating your website maintenance – just like it is building itself!. So much ease of access, and it makes your life much easier. Development is a serious part of your website and can be handled by experts with seamless communication.
By installing the plugin – you will automatically be creating a web-smarter account. you will get a notification email.
Improve functionality and reduce compatibility issues. All tasks and related data will be stored on web-smarter servers, and not on your WordPress website. So, there will be no risk of data theft, leak or stolen.