WebKew WP References And Citations Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WebKew WP References And Citations Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

A WordPress plugin that automatically generates a bibliography from citations added to a WP post/page/custom post type.

Use cite{bibtex_entry_name} in the text and provide the corresponding BibTex entry in the “References” field
underneath the text editor. When you visit the page of the post on the front-end, you will see the citations in the text
in addition, at the end of the content of the page, you will see a new section called “Bibliography” where you can see all used references in the post.

The plugin has a couple of options:
1. Enabled Post Types: posts/pages/custom post types.
2. Bibliography Style (Based on Citation-JS Style): you can choose between APA, Vancouver, and Harvard.
3. Citation Style (in the text): decide how the cite{bibtex_entry_name} will appear on the front-end, you can choose between (X) Numerical, (authorX 2024) Author year, or (authorX)Author.
4. Delete data on uninstall: decide to delete all stored references on plugin uninstall.


  1. Plugin options page.

    Plugin options page.

  2. On the back-end, sample references and citations added to a sample post

    On the back-end, sample references and citations added to a sample post

  3. On the front-end, the citations in the text and generated bibliography.

    On the front-end, the citations in the text and generated bibliography.

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