Whatsservice – Share To Whatsapp Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This Plugin makes use of the Whatsservice Api to share your new posts automatically to your Whatsapp followers.
- Direct Share to Whatssapp
- Automatically share all your new posts.
About Whatsservice
You can get more infos on what service is on https://www.whatsservice.de/
This is a Service where you can build a follower list similar to an email list. But it uses Whatsapp broadcasts to send messages to your followers.
You can register fro a free account or a paid on.
How to get an Api Key
You need an Whatsservice Api Key to use this plugin, you can get it after logging in under the settings menu. Just click get Api Key.
Whatsservice Terms of Service
You can find their TOS here: https://www.whatsservice.de/agb/